The ongoing fallout from the Goonswarm and Imperium victory in Delve is somehow still being felt in EVE Online. Imperium forces managed to outlast the…
World War Bee 2 is finally over. It has been a long year of war for Goonswarm and The Initiative, the two biggest remaining alliances…
Elwyn Raholan will be a name that goes down in this era of EVE Online history. Late last month it was revealed that The Imperium,…
A NIP, or non-invasion pact, is a pretty big thing when it comes to SOV warfare in EVE Online. Bloc-level entities in EVE Online often…
A relative newcomer to the NullSec scene in EVE Online, Skill Urself is gearing up to shut down operations at an alliance level, setting the…
Politics is already an incredibly complicated topic in EVE Online. The psychology of the EVE players is a very complex beast, and understanding it is…
X47L-Q, Pure Blind, will now live in infamy within EVE Online. This previously easily-forgotten system in New Eden was just the site of a major…
On July 17th, Legacy Coalition member Warped Intentions began the process of anchoring a Keepstar-class citadel. This was followed by an assault on the structure…
There’s a constant thread throughout the EVE Online community that contributions, no matter how small, should be met with some measure of praise. But there’s…
The Goonswarm Intelligence Agency (GIA), which in more modern terms is colloquially known as the Black Hand, and their allis within The Imperium have gone…
Update: At around 1:46 AM GMT the level of fighter DPS from the Imperium finally fell below the threshold to keep the structure timer paused….
Over 6,000 EVE Online players came together to do battle over a Keepstar-class Citadel in the Cloud Ring system of 9-4RP2 on January 23rd, 2018….
A State of the Alliance (SOTA) meeting was held yesterday to try and deal with the recent theft of assets and liquid ISK from Circle-Of-Two….
One of the biggest acts of espionage in EVE Online history just went down between CO2 and GSF. It all happened very quickly at around…
Fanfest just wrapped for 2016, and EVE is already totally on fire once again. World War Bee now has the potential to explode into a…
Well, this week has certainly been an interesting one for EVE Online. The war between the Imperium and MoneyBadger Coalition chugs on and shows little…
These past few days have led to even more drama in the great World War Bee. Two major developments have occurred, one which everyone saw…
As MBC and CFC/Imperium forces continue to engage each other on the field of battle, Spacemonkey’s Alliance is suffering in Fade. As of this week,…
After the fleeing of CO2 from the Imperium, yet another alliance has chosen to pull back from the fighting to save themselves. While not as…
It would appear that projections in my initial post about the Imperium, formerly CFC, surviving the ongoing defensive war have just taken a turn towards…
For those even remotely paying attention to EVE over the last few months, the last couple weeks have been an amazing mixture of tensions and…
UPDATE: Allegations have surfaced against IWISK in regards to a group of rogue bankers using the site to pilfer large sums of ISK. The initial…
Over the last few weeks, various alliances and figures within the Imperium (formerly CFC) have faced a fair amount of backlash, departures and criticism. Earlier…
Citing the torrent of criticism and bad decisions made by leaders on the project, The Mittani announced the closure of the project. He did however…