A The Last of Us ripoff has been making waves, and not in a good way. The game is called The Last Hope, and if you wanted the journey of Ellie and Joel from Wish.com, that’s the game you will want to play. It’s really bad. The game was so bad that everyone immediately took notice, mostly to make fun of it.
Various blatant knockoffs have been a thing in gaming and other forms of media for years, but this case has become a bit unique. It’s so blatantly a ripoff that Nintendo got involved pretty much right away, removing the game entirely from its digital storefront shortly after it went viral. As a result, The Last Hope: Dead Zone Survival, is no longer on the Nintendo eShop.
Now normally, Nintendo is pretty good about stopping these riffs from invading their platform. Being a pretty infamously litigious company, the Japanese gaming conglomerate is pretty effective in this area. But somehow, this game landed on the Nintendo eShop on June 30, and went unnoticed for a bit.
One of the most widely viewed videos on The Last Hope came from Digital Foundry, Their video scorched various parts of the game, frankly they torched every element of the title. From terrible performance to horrendous gameplay, there’s nothing to redeem this trash. They went so far as to say the video game had “no redeeming features whatsoever – not even at its $0.99 sale price.”
Check out DigitalFoundry’s video on this terrible game down below.