General Gaming News

Roblox making its way to PlayStation 5

Roblox Outage Explained

Looks like PlayStation 5 fans got a bunch of good news if they like Roblox. PS5 Roblox will soon be a thing as the iconic kids gaming community ports to a new platform. The game is already huge, well-known among many kids in the modern day, and it’s getting bigger. As more and more people get into gaming, the younger gamers will want to have more fun in games that they can enjoy.

PS5 Roblox is in the works, and here’s what we know. If you like these types of games, you’ll be happy to know Roblox will launch on PS5 on October 10 of this year. It’ll feature cross-play enabling you to play with PC, Mobile, and other platforms where the game system exists.

As of right now, a few things are still up in the air. the biggest concern that seems common among the community is about compatibility. There are some who suspect some games might not work on PS5, but this largely shouldn’t be an issue. Unless a game hasn’t been updated to work with modern versions of the Roblox platform, it should be fine. The way the engine is designed allows for pretty simple implementation of cross-platform play. The other concern we’re seeing is about the PS4. If you’re a PlayStation 4 user, don’t worry, Roblox is coming to the last-gen console as well at the same time.

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If you somehow haven’t encountered Roblox before, it’s a very interesting collection of games made by a diverse community of developers and content creators. At its most basic Roblox is a game development environment where players make all manner of small indie games.  Roblox on PS5 will likely feature all manner of custom games for RPGs, platformers and more. There are tie-in games with various copyrighted properties as well. So if you want to pretend to be a shinobi in Naruto, there are tons of options for that.

This isn’t the first time that the PC-focused community has ported to the PlayStation ecosystem. The game’s creators inked a deal with Facebook’s parent company Meta to have a VR port on their platform, allowing for some access for those that had PSVR.

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