
Where to find Scourgestone in V Rising

V Rising Guides

V Rising is a new vampiric action game from Stunlock Studios. By blending crafting and adventure together with a robust combat system, they’ve created something quite special. And by infusing it with bloody good fun, the Early Access version has already found a ton of immediate popularity and success. This game has a mountain of craftable items with which to build your dark and brooding fortress. You will also have to focus on getting more arms and armor together to outfit your vamp and their followers. The more advanced item recipes require items like Scourgestone, which this guide covers.

Be sure to check out our other guides on scrolls, and other materials like fish oil. Other upgrades like Whetstones are pretty useful as well. Other aspects of the game can help with your journey, like farming in V Rising and growing stuff from seeds. Seeds harvested from bosses can be used to grow unique items for crating intriguing new armor. Some of the best armor in the game is the Dark Silver gear, which is super powerful. And since you’re trying to get more powerful gear, leather can be helpful as well. Other items like Wool Thread and Clay are useful for early game crafting. There’s just so much to do in this game.

Where to find Scourgestone in V Rising

Scourgestone in V Rising is one of those items you’re going to need a lot of later in the game. The high-level crafting of arms and armor in particular uses a bunch of it. And sadly, it’s not very easy to come by.

You can find Scourgestone in a few different places, mostly in Dunley Farmlands. Undead enemies of a pretty high level are the best possible source. Farm the various graveyards and monasteries around this zone to find them.

How to craft Scourgestone

The recipe for crafting this item must be unlocked by defeating a certain boss at least once. Leandra the Shadow Priestess is the boss you’re after, and she’s in the area around the Church of the Damned. She is a level 46 boss, hence make sure the gear your character uses, pushes your level at least 46 or anywhere above it. Beat her and you can unlock the ability to craft this item. Once you have the recipe unlocked, you can head to a Furnace and throw in 1x Whetstone, 3x Glass and 3x Grave Dust.

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This is a pretty pricey recipe to make, as the 45 Quartz per Scourgestone is really hard to come by. Farming it out in the world requires going to the Dawnbreak Village and Dunley Monastery, and harvesting it from the nodes there. That takes a lot of work to get done, so be prepared to haul around a lot of items from the farmlands to your base. To make this all easier on yourself, turn off the restriction for teleporting resources if you’re playing by yourself, that makes this all so much faster.

You also need to farm the Grave Dust, which requires a Tomb and Flowers to farm the right undead. Much like the Vermin Nest, you can summon undead of various kinds and harvest resources from them. Fill the Tomb with enough resources, and you can effectively get unlimited Grave Dust.

If you want to cheat your way to success, V Rising Console Commands can help here as well. Using the give command, you can simply spawn stacks of any item into your inventory

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