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Nintendo announces Fighters Pass for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC

Nintendo announces Fighters Pass for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC

As part of the Nintendo Direct reveals today, the game company has revealed a bit of their plans for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC after the launch.

The plan is to release five packs of DLC, each priced at $5.99 apiece. Each separate pack will include five new characters, stages, and music. Nintendo also unleashed the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighter’s Pass, which is just a Season Pass for this DLC. You can gain access to all 5 bundles for the price of $24.99. Let the speculation begin as to what new content comes to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Check out the segment featuring the Fighter Pass from the latest Nintendo Direct down below. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate launches on December 7, 2018, exclusively on the Switch. The DLC will take more than a year to fully release, according to Sakurai.

In other Smash Bros. news, Nintendo also revealed that Incineroar is a new addition to the roster. The recent Nintendo Direct also announced a new Spirit Battles singleplayer mode. Nintendo also plans to release new batches of Amiibos inspired by Smash characters.

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