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Devil May Cry 5 gives a glimpse of cutscene action

Devil May Cry 5

Capcom has unleashed some new teasers for the upcoming action epic, Devil May Cry 5. And just like any fan of the franchise would expect, this footage is off the wall nuts.

In case you somehow didn’t know what’s going on in DMC 5, here’s the scoop. The timeline of events picks up right after the end of Devil May Cry 2, and introduces a new playable character, V. V brings new style and combat prowess to the games, offering a totally new play style for fans to enjoy. It appears, based on the teasers and gameplay we’ve seen, that V relies on summoning demonic allies to fight his battles, pretty cool.

Capcom has been pumping out tons of details about Devil May Cry 5 these last few months, and one of the newest bits of promotional content for the game involves the new live action cutscenes that will be part of premium versions of the game. These things are a hilariously campy mix of low-budget CGI and practical effects that takes the tone of the franchise is a cooky and refreshing direction. This is the kind of weird absurdity fans have come to love from Capcom, more of this please.

Check out the new bit of DMC 5 action in the embedded tweet down below. Devil May Cry 5 will launch on March 8, 2019 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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If you want to see more of the game in action, there’s plenty more where that came from. Take a look at some new footage of Dante being a boss. And then there’s this other awesome gameplay trailer you need to see. There’s also the excellent reveal featuring the blue bomber Mega Man and the Mega Buster. The PC system requirements for the game have been released as well. Capcom also showcased the Void mode in another trailer.

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