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Devil May Cry 5 showcases Void Mode in new trailer

Devil May Cry 5

Capcom announced some new gameplay details for Devil May Cry 5 during the X018 event this past week.

Void Mode in Devil May Cry 5 is a training mode of sorts. It gives players a chance to experiment with the full range of abilities and weapons across multiple characters in a safe environment. Players can also tweak a few options for this mode, like damage amounts and such. There’s an unlimited Devil Breakers option, too, which lets you to practise without losing your Devil Breaker.

In terms of other announcements for the game, there’s been some that players enjoyed, and others that really made people mad. One of the less-favorable responses came in the wake of the announcement of how monetization would work in the title. During this year’s Tokyo Game Show, it became known that Devil May Cry 5 would have microtransactions in the form of red orbs. Gamers were not happy with this, seeing red, they accused Capcom of seeing only green, being suspicious that Capcom could potentially sabotage design for railroad players toward spending more money.

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Devil May Cry 5 will launch for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on March 8, 2019, and will cost $59.99. And in case you wanted to through extra cash at Capcom, there’s also a Deluxe Edition which includes extra weapons, alternative voices, and battle music. And if you’re nuts, you can purchase an $8,000 edition which comes with various jackets belonging to some iconic characters.

If you want to see more about Devil May Cry 5, you should take a look at some new footage of Dante being a boss. And then there’s this other awesome gameplay trailer you need to see. There’s also the excellent reveal featuring the blue bomber Mega Man and the Mega Buster. The PC system requirements for the game have been released as well.

Check out the Void Mode gameplay trailer for the game down below.

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