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Sega takes Shenmue fans on a trip to compare the game with real life

Shenmue i & II HD Collection details

Today Sega released a brand new trailer for the impending release Shenmue I & II remasters.

But this trailer is actually pretty unique as far as game trailers go, something that seems completely fitting for a classic franchise like Shnemue. This latest trailer takes fans on a journey to the locations of the real world Yokosuka, and compares them with the areas that it inspired in-game. The video takes us on a funny trip down the Dobuita shopping street in Japan, seeing some of the real world inspiration for the in-game elements is quite intriguing.

If you want to learn more ahead of the release next month, check out some of the other trailers showcasing the 1080p goodness. Or maybe you want to see what changes in this new version of Shenmue 1+ 2.

Check out the trailer below. The rerelease of these classic games will debut on August 21 for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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