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How to get the Kompressor in Warframe

How to get Gara Prime, Astilla Prime, and Volnus Prime Relics in Warframe

The Kompressor is Yareli’s signature sidearm in Warframe, and it has a very unique style. It fires out bubbles that compress and explode to deal damage. Like many other items in the game, you need to craft it to make use of it. It can be focused with Viral damage to make a great DoT weapon, and it can also be augmented with other mods to add other damage types. It’s a very fun weapon to use, and it’s a solid option for AoE clear. Here’s how you can go about getting it.

How to get the Kompressor in Warframe

The first thing you need is the Blueprints for the main weapon, as well as any components you don’t have. You can buy these at the Fortuna hub from the faction vendors. Ventkids standing is what’s needed for the Kompressor weapon BP. You can buy it for 25,000 Standing. You can also speak to Roky in the Ventkids hideout to purchase the Kompressor parts. You will need to do K-Drive races to get the Ventkids standing. Now it’s time to start gathering.

Most of these materials can be gathered from mining and fishing out in the various spots on Fortuna. There are a couple of rare drops that must be crafted from loot. Here are the most hard-to-find ones:

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You can make the Hespazym Alloy in the Foundry using the following resources:

  • 1000 Credits
  • 20 Hesperon
  • 300 Plastids
  • 2 Morphics

You can make Axidrol Alloy in the Foundry with the following resources:

  • 1000 Credits
  • 20 Axidite
  • 500 Ferrite
  • 10 Rubdeo

Now, onto making the actual item itself. Use the lists below to get the credits and other items you need. Once you have the final two parts, combine these with 25,000 Credits and 3 Oroikin Cells to finish the Kompressor in Warframe.


You will need the following resources to build the Barrel after you get the blueprint:

  • 150,000 Credits
  • 10 Hespazym Alloy
  • 10 Goblite Tears
  • 20 Longwinder Lathe Coagulant
  • 35 Tepa Nodule


You will need the following resources to build the Receiver after you get the blueprint:

  • 15,000 Credits
  • 20 Axidrol Alloy
  • 6 Star Amarast
  • 10 Tink Dissipator Coil
  • 40 Mytocardia Spore
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