With the new Hearth and Home update making it much more challenging, Valheim has gotten pretty crazy. There are a ton of new items to find and build. You can find crystals to make a new crystal battleaxe. There’s also a bunch of other stuff too. If you need more defensive options, a bone tower shield is a good choice. There’s a lot to find out there in the Viking adventure with this new update.
A new construction can help ward off those cold nights in Valheim. Among the ice and fields, you can even make a comforting hot tub to soak away your troubles in. Here’s what you need to gather to build the hot tub in Valheim.
- 20 Wood
- 10 Iron Ingots
- 8 Stone
- 6 Tar
To get iron, you need a Swamp key, as you’re heading into the Crypts that spawn in Swamp Biomes. Hunt down the Greydwarf Brutes and Shamans that spawn inside various biomes to get three seeds from them. You can then use these to summon the boss Eldar, a giant version of these enemies. Take him down to get the key. Head in after you defeat the boss and you can claim all the iron you can carry from the muddy scrap piles in the swamp crypts.
The wood is the easier part, as you just need to chop on some trees. Find and chop some trees to get the wood you need. Be aware, you probably want to gather as much as you can carry to cut down on return trips for wood. Stone is also pretty easy to find out in the wilds. The various rock nodes that spawn around are easily spotted in Forest Biomes especially.
Getting the Tar is the hardest part. You will need it to finish up the construction, and that means you’re going to have to fight your way to it. Tar in Valheim is found in the Planes Biomes, from the nodes in Tar Pits. You will have to overcome the hostile Growths to get it, but it’s not super dangerous. The pits themselves are pretty hard to miss when you know what they look like. Just head into the planes and look for the giant black pools.
Once you have all the materials, it’s time to build and place your warming new hot tub in Valheim.