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Star Wars: The Old Republic : Knights of the Fallen Empire Early Access Begins Tomorrow


Star Wars: The Old Republic players with Early Access privileges for this week’s Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion will want to keep an eye on the official site as it comes of maintenance tomorrow, Tuesday, October 20th.

While the post below was made for other purposes, it clearly indicates that Early Access for KotFE begins on the 20th, with general release on the 27th.

Hey folks,

Quick heads up, on Tuesday when we have our maintenance to deploy 4.0 and Early Access of Fallen Empire, all active GTN sales will be cancelled. This will be treated like any other cancellation and the item/deposit will be mailed to you. We wanted to make sure you were aware of this so you aren’t alarmed when we come out of maintenance on Tuesday.


Source: Star Wars: The Old Republic site

We’re sure more will be added today so stay tuned for updates as they become available.

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