The Dawning is back in Destiny 2, which means it is time to bury every NPC in the game under a candy mountain. And you don’t have a magical unicorn to help you out. The Dawning 2021 recipes are very similar to previous runs of the event. Each of the Dawning 2021 recipes must be taken to the correct NPC to complete the quest.
All Dawning 2021 recipes in Destiny 2
Here’s the full rundown of the of the Dawning 2021 recipes, and who to take them to. Do the activity to get the correct ingredients, then take them and combine them with 15 Essence of Dawning to make the associated item.
- Ascendant Apple Tart – Taken Butter, Sharp Flavor – Queen Mara Sov through HELM
- Ascendant Oatmeal Raisin Cookie – Chitin Powder, Finishing Touch – Eris
- Bittersweet Biscotti – Dark Ether Cane, Balanced Flavors – Crow
- Blueberry Crumbles – Ether Cane, Bullet Spray – Shaw Han
- Bright Dusted Snowballs – Chitin Powder, Multifaceted Flavor – Tess
- Burnt Edge Transits – Any ingredients that do not make a correct recipe – Rahool
- Candy Dead Ghosts – Dark Ether Cane, Flash of Inspiration – The Spider
- Chocolate Ship Cookie – Cabal Oil, Null Taste – Amanda
- Classic Butter Cookie – Taken Butter, Superb Texture – Eva
- Dark Chocolate Motes – Taken Butter, Null Taste – Drifter
- Eliksni Birdseed – Ether Cane, Personal Touch – Hawthorne
- Etheric Coldsnap – Chitin Powder, Electric Flavor – Variks
- Gentleman Shortbread – Ether Cane, Perfect Taste – Devrim
- Gjallerdoodles – Ether Cane, Delicious Explosion – Zavala
- Hot Crossfire Buns – Ether Cane, Balanced Flavors – Ada-1
- Ill Fortune Cookies – Dark Ether Cane, Impossible Heat – Petra Venj
- Infinite Forest Cake – Vex Milk, Impossible Heat – Failsafe
- Lavender Ribbon Cookies – Vex Milk, Personal Touch – Saint-14
- Starwort Thins – Dark Ether Cane, Dark Frosting – Ada-1
- Strange Cookies – Taken Butter, Electric Flavor – Xur
- Telemetry Tapioca – Vex Milk, Bullet Spray – Banshee-44
- Thousand Layer Cookies – Taken Butter, Delicious Explosion – Riven (Wish 7)
- Traveler Donut Hole – Cabal Oil, Flash of Inspiration – Ikora
- Vanilla Blades – Cabal Oil, Sharp Flavor – Lord Shaxx
How to get each ingredient?
The ingredients offer some clues on how to get them. For the ones that share names with an enemy type, you need to take those down. Other items need the player to use certain items when killing any enemy. For example, Electric Flavor comes from Arc kills. Finishing Touch comes from Finishing Moves. Vex Milk comes from taking out Vex enemies.
- Balanced Flavors: Scout Rifles, Sniper Rifles or Bows kills
- Bullet Spray: SMG, Auto Rifles, or LMG kills
- Cabal Oil: Cabal kills
- Chitin Powder: Hive kills
- Dark Ether Cane: Scorn kills
- Dark Frosting: Stasis kills
- Delicious Explosion: Grenades, RL or GL kills
- Electric Flavor: Arc kills
- Ether Cane: Fallen kills
- Finishing Touch: Finishers kills
- Flash of Inspiration: Create orbs of power
- Impossible Heat: Solar kills
- Multifaceted Flavors: Multi kills
- Null Taste: Void kills
- Perfect Taste: Precision kills
- Personal Touch: Melee kills
- Pinch of Light: Collect orbs of power
- Sharp Flavor: Sword kills
- Superb Texture: Super kills
- Taken Butter: Taken kills
- Vex Milk: Vex kills