
Temtem: How to Dye Hair & Clothes


CremaGames has made a smash-hit, and it’s easy to see why. Temtem is a great game on it’s own, that takes full advantage of the popularity of the Pokémon franchise to create a major hit within the Early Access program on Steam. The new game is a buy-to-play MMO with tons of open worlds to explore, hundreds of monster to capture and so much more. There’s even a rather deep battle system as well.

The amount of customization is another selling point in this new MMO. Players who create a new character can choose their clothes and hairstyle at the beginning, but also dying is a thing in Temtem. The amount of color variation is pretty large, offering potential for some wacky color combinations. All you have to do to unlock the full potential of the customization is use dye.

The first step is to get some dye in your hands. For starters, you can acquire dye in the clothing store in Arissola, which is the first major town you’ll come across on the first island in Temtem. you can also find dyes randomly spawned in wild chests.

Once you have your dye and the target selected via the menu, it’s time to start customizing. Open the game menu and select Customize, then select Dye.  Players need to select the dye for the primary and secondary color slots. Once you confirmed these selections, this will change your hair and clothing color.

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If you’re looking for a shorter rundown, here’s how to dye hair and clothing in Temtem:

  1. Buy dye from the clothing store in Arissola, or get them via chests in the open world.
  2. Bring up the menu and choose the Customize option.
  3. Click on the hairstyle or piece of clothing that you want to change, then choose the Dye option.
  4. Fill in both color slots and you’re good to go.

That’s it for how to dye hair and clothes in Temtem. If you’re looking for more tips about Temtem, we have plenty of other guides as well. Here’s how to battle other players in the game. And if you find yourself struggling to get ahead in combat, try leveling up a bit. Players also found some interesting ways to try and game the grind of leveling up their Temtem. The Coward’s Cloak is the rough equivalent of an EXP Share in the game, which you can only get with the Surfboard.

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