Temtem just launch, and the new Early Access title got hit with thousands of eager new players. The servers were under heavy load during launch, and given the thousands of people who wanted to play the new Early Access MMO, capacity was quickly reached. Only about 20,000 concurrent users could be actively playing the game at any one time. This left thousands of players stranded in queues waiting for a slot to open up so they could play, which could take hours.
As a result, players began getting very angry at Crema, the developer. The company issued some patches and updates to the servers, addressing some of the issues limiting capacity, but it wasn’t enough for some. Players who found themselves waiting in queues with Crema not offering much resolution.
“We’re trying different solutions to improve server’s performance but we haven’t had much luck yet,” the developer, Crema, tweeted from the official Temtem account. “We totally understand your frustration and believe us, we’re super frustrated too.” The developer will be offering refunds as a result to those players who want them.
If you’re under a time crunch and don’t want to wait for Crema to fix the problem, there’s a way to get a refund through Steam.
How to get a refund for Temtem on Steam:
- Gead to Steam’s Help page
- Under “Recent products,” click “Temtem“
- Click “Gameplay or technical issue”
- Click ‘The game crashes while playing it”
- Click “I would like to request a refund”
Despite all of these issues though, many players had a great time exploring the Airborne Archipelago, finding hundreds of Temtem to capture, Dojos to battle, and quests to complete. Of course there are players to battle in Temtem too, which leads to some players wanting to get more powerful. Players also found some interesting ways to try and game the grind of leveling up their Temtem. The Coward’s Cloak is the rough equivalent of an EXP Share in the game, which you can only get with the Surfboard.