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Sony no longer lists Death Stranding as a PS4 exclusive

Death Stranding Release Date

Death Stranding by Kojima Productions is one strange game. After a marketing blitz a few months ago, fans of Kojima where left with as many questions as they had before. But a recent bit of news has people really confused. That’s because Sony has de-listed Death Stranding as a PlayStation 4 exclusive across many of its websites. It’s unclear exactly what this means though. This includes sites in the US, as well as France and Germany (thanks, PC Gamer). So although the game is no longer listed on the PS4 sites, that doesn’t confirm it’s coming to any other platforms just yet.

Even though a PC launch could be possible, fans are still skeptical. With the weird push the game has had, and judging from what gameplay we’ve seen, anything is possible with Death Stranding.

In other news, it turns out that the legendary game designer behind the project, Hideo Kojima, will be at Gamescom in Cologne Germany to talk about the new game. Expect to see that on August 19th according to the announcement.

Death Stranding is due to launch on November 8th, although platforms are now up in the air. If you’re looking for more about this new title, why not check out the most recent teasers: “Create the Rope”, “Reconnect” and “Tomorrow is in Your Hands“.

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