
Where to blow up Fishing Holes at Sharky Shell, Sweaty Sands, or Flopper Pond in Fortnite

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Week 6 challenges for Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5 are strangely all nautical in nature. There’s one challenge that’s a bit more explosive as well. This challenge will involve going around to blow up fishing holes at Sharky Shell, Sweaty Sands, or Flopper Pond in Fortnite, It’s not a hard challenge, just a bit weird. For doing it you get a bunch of XP and some loot from the fish you blow up.

The three POIs you need to hit are all right by each other, so dropping straight onto one like Coral Castle from the Battle Bus is pretty easy. Once you land, be sure to look for the ripples and bubbles rising up from the water in these areas. There are fishing spots there, that’s where you need to drop your bombs to complete the challenge.

Firstly, you need to find something that goes boom. Grenades are a good source of these, and they can be found all over the map in chests. SO grab some and let’s head out. Let’s talk about the POIs and which ones you should head for. It kind of depends on you though.

Sharky Shell is right by Coral Castle, so taking the loop from Coral to Sharky Shell and then heading south is a good strategy. And given the clustered nature o this part of the map, it’s a pretty good starting spot for many players.

Flopper Pond is just to the east of Holly Hedges, making both of these a quick run to get to. So if you want to drop in a more central location that is another option to start with. The problem here is that there are only a few fishing spots to be found.

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The Sweats Sands POI is next, and it’s the easiest one to hit. you just need to drop an explosive into the water off the dock for it to count. Because of the open design and number of spots, this will be a very busy POI this week, so be careful.

You don’t need to be fancy with your aim, just get something explosive and toss it into the water. As long as the explosion goes off inside the water, it seems to count for the challenge to blow up Fishing Holes.

Where to blow up Fishing Holes at Sharky Shell, Sweaty Sands, or Flopper Pond in Fortnite

And just for the sake of completeness, here are the rest of the challenges for Week 6 of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5:

  • Blow up Fishing Holes at Sharky Shell, Sweaty Sands, or Flopper Pond (0/3) – 20000 XP
  • Destroy Motorboats – (0/3) – 20000 XP
  • Blow up Fishing Holes at Lazy Lake, Lake Canoe, and near Steamy Stacks – (0/3) – 20000 XP
  • Catch Fish (0/7) – 20000 XP
  • Signal the Coral Buddies (0/1) – 20000 XP
  • Destroy Boats (0/7) – 20000 XP
  • Destroy Fishing Rod Barrels (0/7) – 20000 XP
  • Get Headshots – (20/40/60/80/100) – 55000 to 22000 XP
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