Are you like many Monster Hunter World players who is coming back to the game after taking a break? Do you wish you could get hold of the various limited-time event rewards? Sadly Capcom has changed up the event schedule with the launch of Iceborne and made it much harder for players on consoles to access older event quests. PC players have one ace up their sleeve though, mods.
The same process applies with the last mod we covered of this kind, as it’s basically the same principle. The mod author has extracted the quest data from the game’s chunk files and added it into the normal quest system, making it possible to access most quests from the various timed events at any time.
With mods, as is the case anytime, you should backup your game save in multiple locations. The normal location of save data for MHW is: [Steam install folder]\user data\[Your Steam ID]\582010\remote\SAVEDATA1000
Copy that SAVEDATA1000 file to another location outside of the Steam directory for safekeeping in case the modding process screws something up.
It’s important to keep in mind that these don’t work online, so don’t try to play them with friends. You run a serious risk of getting banned for using modded content online, so just don’t do it.
Also, the Siege events don’t work, as they rely on multiplayer functionality to work properly. It’s possible to get the KT rewards by cheating them in or with other mods, but it’s not feasible to do the quest solo under normal circumstances. This means that the three Siege quests: The Red Dragon, Banquet in the Earthen Hall, and The Fury of El Dorado will not work as intended. The Kulve Taroth quests are locked to Pursuit Level 1, and the Red Dragon cannot be completed.
How to install the Event Quests mod:
- Download and install Stracker’s Loader.
- Unzip this mod to nativePC folder. Installation paths for the 2 folders should be:
Steam\steamapps\common\Monster Hunter World\nativePC\common\text\quest
Steam\steamapps\common\Monster Hunter World\nativePC\quest - Overwrite any of the old files if you have previously downloaded the mod.
Once you have the mod installed, Stracker’s Loader should handle running the mod at boot. To check if the quests are loaded, simply head to the quest board and look under the various rated quest boards to see if any of the mods loaded in their respective categories. If they did, you’re good to go. Although be aware that you should play through the story of Iceborne first to make sure you’ve unlocked everything you’re going to need for these quests to work. Sometimes, if you haven’t unlocked something, the quest can bug out or you cannot finish the quest.