Null Sec Alliance DramaNull Sec Sov Fights

Nyx’s get nixed by PL


In a rather unfortunate turn of events, two spuercaps died within hours of each other.  Mostly due to poor tactical choices by their respective pilots.  One BL Nyx was downed by a bomber run in Nakis.

The travel fit Nyx was hit by a mixed groups of stealth bombers in Nakis on Oct 30th.  The most embarrassing thing about this kill is the complete lack of any substantive tackle on the attacking fleet’s side.  Which leads one to wonder how this even happened.

To quote the apparent owner of the ship:

[–]goergesucksBlack Legion. 47 points  

(7:48:24 PM) skybait2020: Been real… sorry to make you guys look so fucking stoopid. Real story for EveNews24 was I hadn’t logged that NYX in since I bought it from BUBU. Thought the tower was still there in Nakis but NC. put one up there. I got bounced out… panicked and just logged off… didn’t safe log. Oh well IR dumb. Only thing that bothers me is making BL look foolish. Have fun… I dropped corp. I was on the fence of playing anymore anyway so the NYX sealed my fate.

And just to pour some salt in the wound. . .

Nyx 2 was even stranger. A Nyx was sitting on a POS in GE- apparently with no FF on the POS, and even though the Nyx was fit for combat, it lacked any serious protection in the form of bombers, drones, or subcap support.  And was just happily camping out assigning fighters.  Not that any of that matters when you get dropped on by a dozen titans of various makes.  It seems PL wanted to exploit a golden opportunity to cause some chaos in one the most infamous systems in Catch for lulz.


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