
Merit Points in Pokémon Legends: Arceus Explained

Pokémon Legends: Arceus

There’s a lot of new and interesting things to cover in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. One of the actual new addons is the inclusion of something called Merit Points. By gathering them, you can earn cool rewards. You can turn them in for evolution items, additional PokéBalls, and more.

Given the story contrivance of having the timeline long before the previous games, there have been a ton of changes. The pastures in Pokémon Legends: Arceus are basically just the PC from other entries. You also have the ability to access a bunch of newer systems as well, such as the Mystery Gift.

There have been many new additions and brought forward mechanics this time around. Fast travel is back and easier than ever before. Players have a simplified system around Shiny hunting, as well as held items in the new RPG. That’s not all that’s been changed either. There’s an option to change a Pokémon’s name in Pokémon Legends: Arceus now as well. One thing that has been changed is that the evolution system is now manual, giving Trainers more granular control over their teams. Now let’s get to the guide on how to earn Merit points in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

How to get Merit Points in Pokémon Legends: Arceus

There are a few methods to use to earn more of these points. The common method means you’re going to be exploring around the game world. The core of the system is finding lost items and turning them back over to their owners.

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Find and return Lost Satchels

Throughout the game, you will encounter Lost Satchels belonging to random spawns. These can be dropped as part of the online experience, but also by NPCs. When you find one in your satchel menu, it will be marked as a Lost Satchel. You will see a listing on the right-hand side for how much MP the pack is worth. When turned in, some satchels could be worth 100 Merit Points.

The other method for farming Merit Points in Pokémon Legends: Arceus is to find story-based spawns as well. Some Lost Satchels can only be found as part of story missions. Do these when you find them to get your hands on more MP.

How to get Merit Points in Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Merit Points are used to be exchanged at the Trading Post in Jubilife Village to get various rewards. You can turn in Merit Points for  items by talking to Simona at the Trading Post in Jubilife Village.

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