
How to marry an Uggo in BitLife

How to complete the Beast and Beauty Challenge in BitLife

The Beast and Beauty Challenge in BitLife involves some planning and some basic game knowledge, but lucky for you this guide lays it all out. Here are all of the things you have to confirm when completing each step. There’s a bit of work here, so make sure to read the whole thing. You will be hunting for love, as well as trying to build a life of beauty and intellect. It’s a lot of fun, but it’s a bit weird. The last and the most confusing objective of the Beast and Beauty challenge is to marry an Uggo.

This guide will cover the later steps of the challenge, specifically the last one you should get done. To learn how to marry an Uggo in BitLife, keep reading on.

How to complete the Beast and Beauty Challenge in BitLife

Here are the steps you must do to get your hands on this challenge reward:

The idea of this final step is to marry someone who has a 0% score in the Looks department. The best way to meet an Uggo in BitLife is through a Dating App. Once you turn 18, you can use the Activities menu to Look For Love.

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The process involves a bit of RNG, so you have to keep trying until you get lucky. Once you find someone and start to date them, it’s a good idea to keep taking them on dates and doing other romantic activities. Be persistent and keep romancing them, that part is key. You can use options in the dating menu like ComplimentGiftingMake Love, and Spend time regularly to get this done.

Uggo is a bit of a weird term, but it’s pretty easy to complete this step. You need to marry someone who has a 0% Looks stat. Go into the Relationships tab and click Look for Love or another dating option. When you find a potential partner, click on their name to check their stats. If their looks meter is empty, go ahead and work on building a relationship with them. Once you get to the max relationship meter, propose to them and you’ll hopefully get lucky. If they say no, you can either scrap the relationship and try to find a new Uggo, or you can try to propose again next in-game year.

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