
How to complete the Beast and Beauty Challenge in BitLife

How to complete the Beast and Beauty Challenge in BitLife

BitLife loves to throw a ton of options at players. The mobile sim has a lot of different choices you can make. The path you take through life can be one of just a listless bum, but some people have higher ambitions. But if you aren’t aiming for a certain career, there is an option you can grab. Graduate School In BitLife is a pretty simple thing to obtain. The challenge this week can be a pretty weird one to get done, if you don’t know what to do.

The Beast and Beauty Challenge in BitLife involves some planning and some basic game knowledge, but lucky for you this guide lays it all out. Here are all of the things you have to confirm when completing each step. There’s a bit of work here, so make sure to read the whole thing.

How to complete the Beast and Beauty Challenge in BitLife

Here are the steps you must do to get your hands on this challenge reward:

Make your female character in Paris to get started, that will get the first step done, setting you on the right path.

Next. you want to work on your education.  To start your journey to becoming a Librarian in BitLife, you need to get into a graduate school and earn a high-level degree. Pick and English or Education degree, then head into Grad school for Education. You need a high (90%+) Smarts stat and a grad degree to get the job to show up. Visit the Full-Time section from the Job section and find a job titled Librarian (Library). If it doesn’t show up, age up or close the app to reset the job offers.

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Go to the Library via the Activities menu, then click a book to read. You have to click each book’s page to finish it, and this can be kind of tiring as some long books have hundreds of pages. You can choose a new book if you’re tired of the one you’re reading. Get 10 of these done in your digital lifetime, mostly while you’re going through primary education, and you should be golden. As a bonus, reading books raises your Smarts stat, which is vital for getting a good degree.

100% Looks as a stat is pretty simple to achieve. Each time you age up, head into the Activities button and then the Mind & Body tab, then click on the Gym or Spa option.  Work out regularly and head to the spa once every few years to get to the Looks stat you need. It’s a very simple process, you just have to be consistent. If you have the God Mode DLC, you can also force this to happen from the start, making things a bit simpler. Then, it’s just maintaining the stat.

Uggo is a bit of a weird term, but it’s actually pretty easy to complete this step. Basically, you need to marry someone who has a 0% Looks stat. Go into the Relationships tab, then click Look for Love or another dating option. Each time you find a potential partner, click on their name to check their stats. If their looks meter is empty, go ahead and work on building a relationship with them.


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