
SWTOR 6.2 Login Rewards revamp incoming

How to use the new SWTOR 6.2 Login Rewards

Star Wars: The Old Republic is revamping a ton of stuff when it drops this week. On December 9, a lot of things are changing, and one of them is a new Login Rewards system. When players launch the game and update to version 6.2 they get access to a suite of rewards that changes each day and gives players some new items to fool around with. From what we expect, it will be a variety of cosmetic items, crafting materials and other rewards.

Each day you get something different, so expect to put some time in to find out what the developers have in store. You can use these rewards however you like, but they usually focus on helping out players in advancing and speeding up that MMO grind. It’s simple to claim rewards as well. Log in to your character, and pull open the new Login Rewards window. Daily rewards will feature Tech Fragments, Dyes, Companion Gifts, and Crafting Materials.

Players will also get special rewards for recurring logins. If you miss a day though, don’t feel bad. The system is designed to reward players by counting total logins rather than those done multiple days in a row. And each month, there will be a theme that infers what kinds of items are handed out. The testing period revealed that various Scrap and other currencies like Credits were very common in the early weeks, with better stuff coming later. This is called the Rewards Calendar and implies that the in-game story and events may tie-in as well.

Currently, Reward Calendars have three different themes: Strength in Allies, focused on Companions; United Efforts. Each of these focuses on a particular area of gameplay. So for example, Allies will give Companion Gifts a lot. Aggressive Negotiations will give out healing items for PvP and the like. It’s an interesting way to handle variance in the experience without just handing out millions of copies of the same items and unbalancing the economy too much.

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There are weekly bonuses as well for paying customers. Called the Subscriber Weekly Bonus, premium players get something a little extra. These will differ each week of the month.  And don’t worry if you miss a day. The game should count any of the days in the month, as long as you get 28 in total, will complete a Rewards Calendar.

Paying players get access to a bonus tier of rewards. Subscribers who log into the game at least 4 days during a week will be eligible to claim their Weekly Bonus Reward.

SWTOR 6.2 Login Rewards could probably use more variation though, according to player feedback. Hyperinflation is a real problem, and the focus should be on giving out unique items and event tie-ins rather than mostly useless raw currency. Players also seem concerned about the volume of logins required for the rewards, and whether they’re a valuable incentive or not.

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