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Madness at the Darkmoon Faire is making quests easier, and other changes

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire is the next Hearthstone expansion that revamps a ton of content. There are of course tons of new cards coming as well, but that’s beyond the focus of this guide.  The new expansion added a few new things to the game, but brought something that should not be named, grinding. The playerbase is really upset that the game still has way too much grinding going on. That’s finally changing according to a recent announcement from Blizzard.

With the new expansion has been out a while, there are some things that new players might not know that have changed. Many of the changes center around the idea of making the game easier to play and less grindy. Very much needed changes, so let’s dig in and see what’s come to the game.

Quest revamps

This new patch coming after Madness at the Darkmoon Faire introduces a much-needed change that makes it much easier to jump in and grind out some Coins that can be spent on packs. The questing system used to be very difficult to deal with, especially for new players. The requirement used to be that you had to win a certain number of games in a ranked play mode. Other versions also required Arena runs that were laborious as all get out.

Blizzard has announced that they are removing certain Weekly Quests. This goes in-hand with the Daily and Weekly revamps that the company announced previously. Along with the WEekly Quests that require Legendary Card pulls or uses and Arena content, Blizzard is also changing Quests with “Win 7 Games of Ranked Play Mode” to “Win 5 Games of Ranked Play Mode.”

Along with this comes the introduction of the ability to have Tavern Brawls and Battlegrounds both contribute to Win Quests. And just to make the new leveling and achievement system a little easier to deal with, the Daily XPs reward another 100 XP, up to 900 XP each. That’s all well and good. Let’s see what else the studio has planned, this time with rewards.

Reward revamps

Along with all of those quest revamps, folks will also get more Gold, XP and more for engaging with the game. The 1 to 50 level track and the rewards for it are getting improved in various later levels. A total of 37,000 XP has been removed from the requirements to level up. You won’t lose any levels though if you’ve already maxed things out, don’t worry. More gold rewards will be added to a variety of levels as well. The max bonus level is also changing from 150 to 250, which means that later levels get a minor boost in speed to the next rank.

Blizzard is making it clear that more tweaks are on the way. The company has said that they’re working to make things better for the players, as they put it, “our intent is always to release content, monitor feedback and data, and make the right choices for our players.”

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