PM Studios and acttil were excited to announce that WILL: A Wonderful World will be seeing a physical release on both Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 in May.
In WILL: A Wonderful World, there was an urban legend at one time. This legend states that if you write your troubles down on a note, then hold it in your hand at midnight and pray, “God, please help me…”, God will hear your plea and take actions to change your fate.
A young girl awakens in a room she’s never seen before, and, groggy, she meets a strange being. This being is a talking dog, and it startles her by revealing that they are gods and it is their duty to change the fate of any humans that ask them for their help. As letters appear in the mail, she takes up a pen and begins her job.
The game features an interesting cast. Among these are a quiet nerd who is caught up in a hopeless, one-sided crush, as well as an impoverished artist who has lost all hope and is contemplating suicide. In addition, you will meet a rookie police officer who is burning with justice and hopes for his first big case, and a young woman who is desperately chasing her dream, despite all odds against her. You will even meet a stray cat who would simply be satisfied with some dried fish to devour.
As you learn about those who are seeking your help, you will need to keep one thing in mind. If you change one person’s fate, it will inevitably affect the fate of others. You will need to edit the letters and solve the puzzles, hoping for the return of the girl’s memory, but it does make you curious; If it does return, what will she learn about herself and her very mission? And can you discover the best path for all involved?