
How to holster your weapons in Cyberpunk 2077

How to holster your weapons in Cyberpunk 2077

Guns are a big part of the game in Cyberpunk 2077. You will find a ton of different weapons throughout your time in the world, and many of them pack quite a punch. You will get into plenty of gun battles as well, as you take on the tons of missions the game has to offer. But sometimes, you might want to avoid conflict. It’s not always a good idea to in guns blazing into every mission. Sometimes you need to sneak your way around a major threat, other times players have to talk their way out of trouble. In these instances, you really ought to holster weapons in Cyberpunk 2077.

On PC, double-tap the ALT key, this will holster the drawn weapon. And of course, you can rebind the key and change it around if you want. PC gamers also have the option of scrolling through drawing weapons with the mouse wheel. Finally, you can swap between weapons using the number keys too.

If you’re on consoles it’s a bit different. On console, you can double-tap the X or A buttons, depending on whether you’re on Xbox or PS4. Xbox is obviously A, for context. You can also hold the Y button on the Xbox One, or the Triangle button on PS4. This brings up a weapon management menu that has an option to holster weapons.

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You will want to put your weapons away around innocent NPCs and cops, things can get tense if you don’t so make sure to commit this info to memory and keep it close.

And that’s how to holster weapons in Cyberpunk 2077, that way you don’t anger NPCs or trigger some massive gun battle. Unless you want to of course, although that cleanup will be pretty messy.

While you’re here, why not check out some of our other guides for the game. We’ve covered the basics of items and weapons that you can use to suppress your foes. If you’re looking for help spending Attribute Points that’s been covered too. Or maybe you need a crash course on stealing cars. Maybe you’re in the market for some new cyberware. Whatever you needed, we probably have a guide for it.

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