The Vs. Seeker in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. is a very useful tool in these games. It works very much like the DexNav from previous games. You will want to get this item if you plan to 100% finish the game. Here’s how to get it.
The Vs. Seeker is just a Trainer radar of sorts. Anytime you’re nearby a Trainer that wants to battle, the telltale exclamation mark will appear. This can help you find out where you have and have not been in the game. It’s also great for training up your lower-level Pokémon in battles. The Seeker fires once every 100 steps or so, so if it triggers, run around a bit to first reset it before scanning for more battles.
Where to find the Vs. Seeker in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Using the Vs. Seeker item makes grinding EVs easier than ever. To get it, you first need to finish beating Team Galactic in Eterna City and get the bike. Once you have that, you need to head to Route 207.
Once you reach the end of Cycling Road, Lucas or Dawn (depending on which character you’re playing as) will run up to you, asking you to pick a hand. It doesn’t matter which one you pick, just that you choose. When you finish the dialogue, you get the Vs. Seeker in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
You might also want to figure out how to find Ditto as well. If you’re hunting for Evolutions, there’s tons of items you need to grab to finish the BDSP Pokédex. There’s the Electrizer to evolve some Electric types. There’s the Magmarizer to get Magmar as well. The game also has a ton of items and hidden stuff to find.
If you want to get more powerful teams, there’s a few tricks you can use to get stronger. The move relearner can help you customize your moves on your team. This is great for PvP. The most useful thing you can do besides the Move Relearner, a Heart Scale can help you a bit. These items can help monsters relearn old moves that they’ve forgotten.