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Warframe Rising Tide update detailed in new trailer

Warframe Rising Tide

Warframe Rising Tide has finally been revealed by Digital Extremes. Tenno are still busy farming the Kuva Lich from the Old Blood update, but DE isn’t done making things better for the excellent shooter. The new patch rolls out some prep work for major future updates. Digital Extremes is buys working on Empyrean, the next major expansion to the game, and Rising Tide is part of that effort.

As part of the update, Digital Extremes will be completely overhauling the vehicle and transport systems within the game. All of this comes ahead of the full spaceships and space battle update headed to the game in Empyrean.

And of course, there’s some more crafting to be done as players will need to build their new Dry Dock and Railjack. These new additions are meant to be a clan-based activity. Tenno have to scour missions for lost technology to assemble both of these new items, offering some extra bits to the endgame grind. And once Empyrean launches, the Railjack can be customized in between missions with new weapons, parts and mods.

Warframe Rising Tide will also overhaul players’ existing landing craft – also known as the Liset – which is basically the homebase of each player. The Rising Tide update will adjust some visual elements, such as enhanced lighting, as well as new machines that will enable some new crafting options and other mechanics.

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Check out the new update down below.

Rounding out the update is a bunch of new additions to the cash shop. Players can spend their platinum on many different new cosmetic items and weapons. The cosmetic options like a new Antonym Skin for Equinox leads the charge. The bundle also includes the signature Circadian Syandana and signature Astreos Sword and Shield Skin. Weapon sets like the Cumulus Collection

Warframe’s Rising Tide update is available to download now on PC, and will be making its way to console once it passes certification. Although Switch players will have to wait on the Old Blood update to deploy first. So it could be a long wait.

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