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Jurassic World Evolution: Secrets of Dr. Wu announced

Jurassic World Evolution: Secrets of Dr. Wu

Jurassic World Evolution is dropping a new premium DLC pack later this month, featuring new content centered on one mysterious character in particular. This DLC, titled “Secrets of Dr.Wu,” features BD Wong reprising his role as geneticist Dr. Henry Wu. The pack explores a bit more of the scientist’s backstory and adds a ton of new content.

Gamers can expect new locations to explore, new dinosaurs, and of course the all-new story. Of course, throughout the course of said story the player will unlock new genetic upgrades and additions to make their dino buddies stronger, tougher and more terrifying. There will also be two new facilities at sites on Isla Muerta and Isla Tacaño for players to fool around with. Each of these locations will include unique missions built around dealing with the increasingly dangerous that Dr. Wu loves to create.

And what we’re all here for, the new dinosaurs added in this update. Not only are there new species, but Dr. Wu even created some special hybrids: the Stegoceratops, Ankylodocus, and Spinoraptor. There’s also the herbivorous Olorotitan and the venomous Troodon joining the roster.

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This new DLC will launch for $14.99 USD when it goes live on PC. Check out the trailer for this down below.

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