General Gaming News

You can now pre-order Final Fantasy X / X-2 and XII: The Zodiac Age on Switch

Switch Online Services

Square Enix has finally opened up pre-orders for a new slate of Final Fantasy games on Nintendo Switch.

The pre-orders are now open for three different games within the franchise, each being beloved by fans the world over for their different gameplay styles and other quirks. Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD are going to be sold as a collection containing both games, and it will cost $49.99 as a bundle. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age will be a standalone release on the Switch will also have a sticker price of $49.99, and will be largely the same as the PS4 version from a while back.

Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD are the last of the more traditional turn-based battle systems in the franchise.  And even though X-2 had a much more active battle system and it’s more interesting Dress Sphere system for managing equipment compared to Final Fantasy X, it’s still beloved by many fans. So it’s nice to these games getting new life on the Switch. All these titles are available on PS4 and PC right now, while and X-2 are available on both PS3 and PS Vita as well.

You can pre-order Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD on Amazon, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is up for purchase as well.

You can also check out the original Nintendo Direct announcement down below. That announcement revealed multiple Final Fantasy games coming to the Switch.

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