Another Community Day is about to be live in Pokémon Go. This time, we’re getting into Tepig Community Day, with the fiery pig getting in on the fun. The Fire-type evolves into some fierce fighters, and this Community Day is a great way to farm Candies and Stardust. The event due early next month will once again feature a star Pokémon that gets boosts to spawns and capture rewards. Here’s a guide on the Tepig Community Day in Pokémon Go.
Niantic has announced that the very first Pokémon Go Community Day event for the month of July, and it’s a Generation V favorite. Tepigs will be swarming all over the globe during the event. For those six hours, you can get tons of Tepig, and a nice boost to level-up materials. Tepig can evolve into Pignite and then Emboar, a very powerful trio indeed. But with Tepig Community Day, you can teach these baddies the powerful Fire move, Blast Burn. This is a great PvE move that has a high debuff chance, making it great for chip damage.
Keep in mind that you need to complete the entire evolution chain to unlock Blast Burn, so keep those Candies handy.
Pokémon Go Tepig Community Day Details
Next Saturday, July 3rd, from 11 AM to 5 PM local time will the time that event runs. Jump into the game and start hunting to get in on the action.
The fiery little piggy can be caught by anyone, and everyone gets bonuses when the event runs. This makes it very easy to boost the CP of any spawns you get, and you even get a nice cache of Stardust for any captures during the event. You can then use the Candies and Stardust to boost both Tepig and other Pokémon as well.
During the event, there will be another special box on sale in the in-game store. The Community Day Box will cost 1,280 PokéCoins, and you get quite a lot for the fee. The box contains 50 Ultra Balls, five Incense, five Star Pieces, and an Elite Charged TM. For a $1.00 USD fee, you can also purchase access to “Roasted Berries.” These can be used to boost catch rate, as well as being part of a Tepig Community Day Special Research task.
Finally, for the duration of the event, all players will enjoy the following bonuses:
- 3x Stardust per catch
- Lure and Incense modules of all kinds have a boosted three-hour duration.