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Path of Exile – Atlas Passive Trees Guide

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The new Atlas Passive Trees in Path of Exile are very complex and confusing to a lot of players. You might find yourself a bit lost while trying to make sense of them. There are multiple Atlas Passive Trees across the entire Atlas of Worlds. You will need to engage with Echoes of the Atlat to unlock them though. That’s beyond the scope of this guide, and should be up on another guide soon.

Instead, we’re just going to run through what each of the nodes can do. And we will use this guide to try and recommend what areas you shoud focus on. Each Atlas Region has set trees that offer buffs to some League mechanics. This guide will attempt to help you figure out what works for you. At the end of the day though, it’s up to you and the build you’re using to figure it out. If you’re using a build meant for Delving, focus on farming areas of the Atlas and the Passives that give buffs to Sulphite generation, for example.

You might also want to check out some of our other POE guides below. Anyway, on the with the guide.

Other Path of Exile 3.13 Guides:

Atlas Passive Trees Node Key

  • Fantastic – No player can go wrong with these nodes.
  • Great – A solid choice for nearly all players, a solid second pick.
  • Good – A solid option for pretty much any build
  • Mediocre – Only really helpful in extremely niche builds
  • Bad – Avoid for most if not all situations.

Passive Guide for Haewark Hamlet

Here’s the breakdown for each of the Atlas Passive Trees you will want to look out for in Haewark Hamlet.

Recommended Mechanic: Harvest

  • The Grove’s Call Areas have +5% chance to contain The Sacred Grove – A powerful option for crafting and other options for pretty much any build
  • Wild FruitHarvest Plots in Areas have 100% increased chance to grow a Tier 4 Plant – A more Harvest-focused pick, good if you’re in SSF.
  • Nature’s FavourPlants in Areas give the rarest of 2 chosen Crafting Options – An excellent pickup for any crafting player, any build will want this as it’s stupidly powerful.
  • Controlled CorruptionCorrupting Imprisoned Monsters in Areas cannot release them – Areas contain an additional Essence – not really useful as Essence crafting has largely been relegated to SSF or very niche builds.
  • Amplified – Essences found in Areas are a tier higher – Another bad option that has limited use. If you want it, go for it.
  • Power HungryRare Monsters in Areas spawn one additional Beyond Portal when slain. Unique Monsters in Areas spawn 5 additional Beyond Portals when slain – Beyond mobs make for excellent XP grinding, no downsides on this one.
  • Per DiemonRare Beyond Demons in Areas have 35% chance to drop an additional Basic Currency Item –  Great node, probably one of the best in the tree for this region.
  • Focussed InvestigationJun Missions in Areas grant 100% increased Favour. Areas have 10% chance to grant an additional Jun Mission on completion – Pointless node for anyone not looking to farm decorations for their Hideout.
  • Intelligence GatheringCompleting Maps grants 10 Intelligence for a random Immortal Syndicate Safehouse – Utterly useless option as it’s too unpredictable to be useful to most players.
  • BriberyImmortal Syndicate Members in Areas are 200% more likely to offer Bargains for Items. Immortal Syndicate Members in Areas drop 2 additional Items when Bargained with for Items – Just another bad Heist node, probably the worst one, as it’s only really useful at the very beginning of a League.

Passive Guide for Tirn’s End

Here’s the breakdown for each of the Atlas Passive Trees you will want to look out for in Tirn’s End.

Recommended Mechanic: Delirium

  • Underground KingdomAreas have 1% chance to contain an Abyss per 2% increased Pack Size. Abysses in Areas have 100% increased chance to lead to an Abyssal Depth. Abyssal Depths in Areas have 100% increased chance to contain a Lich – A good node if you’re target farming for Stygian Vise belts or Searching Eye Jewels. Very limited utility.
  • Buried RichesHoards in Abyssal Depths drop additional Basic Currency Items – Currency farming is a pretty good method if you do it right. The Buried Riches node being gated behind RNG and the somewhat pointless Underground Kingdom makes it a weak node overall, not bad, just not great.
  • Lightless Legion –  Abyssal Depths in Areas have +3 to Monster Level. Abyssal Depths in Areas have 100% more Magic Monsters. Abyssal Depths in Areas have 100% more Rare Monsters. Abyssal Depths in Areas have 50% increased Pack Size – This makes it easier to farm high item-level bases for Stygian Vises and the like, but not much utility beyond that. Better options exist for targeted farming and XP.
  • Trespassers Areas contain additional Invasion Bosses – Invasion has been a dead mechanic for a while, worthless node.
  • Exotic Goods Invasion Bosses in Areas drop 1 additional Valuable Item – Invasion has been a dead mechanic for a while, worthless node.
  • That Which You Seek Areas have 10% additional chance to obtain a Mirror of Delirium – An incredibly useful node for general farming. Cluster Jewels are extremely powerful with the right mods. And a good build can print Currency and XP in Delirium encounters.
  • Greater FocusDelirium in Areas increases 50% faster with distance from the mirror – A Passive Tree node that makes farming much faster, but does amp up the difficulty.
  • The Singular Eternity  – Delirium Fog in Areas dissipates 25% slower. Delirium Fog in Areas lasts 10 additional seconds before dissipating – A must-have for weaker builds and new players. Delirium hands out better rewards even if you can’t fully clear an encounter.
  • Big Game –  Red Beasts in Areas have 15% chance to appear in Pairs. Yellow Beasts in Areas have 30% chance to be replaced with Red Beasts – Free Bestiary Scarabs. If you’re into Bestiary crafting, a pretty solid option.
  • Great Migration Einhar Missions in Areas have 5% chance to replace all monsters with Beasts – A massive increase in the number of beast you can capture per map, must-have if you’re beast-crafting.

Passive Guide for Lex Proxima

Here’s the breakdown for each of the Atlas Passive Trees you will want to look out for in Lex Proxima.

Recommended Mechanic: Delve or Harvest (Depends on build)

  • Gatekeepers –  Breaches in Areas have 100% increased chance to contain a Boss. Breach Bosses in Areas drop double Breach Splinters. Breach Bosses Defeated in Areas have 5% chance to drop a Breachstone – A good node, probably the only solid Breach node at the start of this region. You will speed up your farming though.
  • Within Their Grasp –  Breach Bosses Defeated in Areas have 5% chance to drop a Breachstone. Breachstones dropped by Breach Bosses in Areas have a 9% chance to be Charged. Breachstones dropped by Breach Bosses in Areas have a 3% chance to be Enriched. Breachstones dropped by Breach Bosses in Areas have a 1% chance to be Pure – A good node if you already have Gatekeepers. Although, it’s only really meant for those target-farming Breach.
  • Invading Force –  Breaches in Areas have 30% increased Area of Effect. Breaches in Areas have 30% increased Monster Density. Breach Monsters in Areas grant 50% increased Experience – Just not a good node even if you’re into Breach. Not worth the point. The biggest problem is that mob density scaling can make Breaches too hard for some, or even bug out and send mobs outside the expanding Breach zone.
  • Rich VeinsVoltaxic Sulphite Veins and Chests in Areas have 10% chance to contain double Sulphite. Voltaxic Sulphite Veins and Chests in Areas contain 20% increased Sulphite – Delve is still a fun way to farm and level in POE. The Sulphite is a huge help whenever you can get it. Must-have if you’re into Delve at all.
  • Sulphite InfusionWhite Tier Maps grant 200 additional Voltaxic Sulphite on Completion. Yellow Tier Maps grant 350 additional Voltaxic Sulphite on Completion. Red Tier Maps grant 500 additional Voltaxic Sulphite on Completion – Must-have if you’re into Delve at all. Just like Rich Veins.
  • Packed With Energy 35% increased Damage for each Voltaxic Sulphite Vein or Chest found in Areas. 15% increased Movement Speed for each Voltaxic Sulphite Vein or Chest found in Areas – If you’re using a Delve-specific build, this is great for farming on it, assuming you’re not running some “glasscannon” build that can’t run maps.
  • Bumper Crop – Harvests in Areas have doubled bonuses to Item Quantity and Rarity. The Sacred Grove in Areas contains an additional Harvest – One of the best nodes in this region.
  • Heart of the Grove  – The Scared Grove in Areas has 100% increased chance to contain the Heart of the Grove. Harvests in Areas have 10% chance for the chosen crop to not wilt – Anyone farming Harvest crafts must use this node, no exceptions.
  • Bountiful HarvestHarvest Monsters in Areas grant 200% increased Experience. Harvested Plants in Areas have 50% chance to spawn additional Monster – Harvest encounters can’t hold a candle to the hurricane of nonsense that is Delirium, don’t farm these for XP unless you’re going for a ton of Harvest items.
  • SeanceUp to 20 Rare Monsters in Areas are Possessed and their Minions are Touched – A very focused node that only offers targeted farming while mapping, and a very slight bonus at that.

Passive Guide for Lex Ejoris

Here’s the breakdown for each of the Atlas Passive Trees you will want to look out for in Lex Ejoris.

Recommended Mechanic: Delirium and Perandus

  • Prospero’s PromiseAreas contain an additional Perandus Chest. Areas have 20% chance to contain Cadiro Perandus – Perandus loot is instantly good if you’re lucky. It’s that RNG that makes this node a bit weaker, but still strong.
  • Friend of the FamilyCadiro Perandus offers the rarest of 5 chosen items. Cadiro Perandus’ Offers cost 20% less Perandus Coins – If you’re farming Perandus encounters, this is a must-have node. You will be able to make everything cheaper.
  • Finest Samples –  Metamorphs in Areas deal 50% more Damage. Metamorphs in Areas have 100% more Life. 50% chance for Rewards from Metamorphs in Areas to be Doubled – A very tough node to use wll. Metamorph bosses can still one-shot unsuspecting players. Be very careful of this one.
  • Escaped ExperimentAreas contain a rogue Metamorph – Anyone in HC or SSF will want to be even more careful of this node compared to the previous one. If you want to farm Metamorph items, use both these nodes wth a very tanky build for tons of loot.
  • Time and Again – Alva Missions in Areas grant 100% increased Favour. Areas have 10% chance to grant an additional Alva Mission on Completion – A medicore node thanks to the need to focus on a somewhat outdated league system.
  • Time Dilation Incursion Architects in Areas drop 1 additional Rare Incursion Item. Time gained from Killing is Doubled for Incursions in Areas –  Just a terrible node all-round. Avoid it under any circumstance. If your build can’t clear Incursions, get a new build.
  • Pathological –  Maps found in Areas have 10% chance to have layers of Delirium – Best Atlas  Passive Tree node in the region, hands-down. Great XP and farming potential.
  • Persecutory Delusion –  Delirium Encounters in Areas are 100% more likely to spawn Unique Bosses. Delirium Bosses in Areas drop 100% increased Simulacrum Splinters. Delirium Bosses in Areas have 100% increased chance to drop Unique Cluster Jewels – A somewhat more dangerous node, especially for builds that can’t kill bosses easily. A very strong node otherwise.
  • Compulsive HoarderDelirium Encounters in Areas have 15% chance to generate three additional Reward types – A simpler setup and payoff for this node. This is one of the best nodes for anyone wanting to target farm Delirium. Maps run with these three Passives will be stupidly good at printing currency and Cluster Jewels.
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Passive Guide for Glennach Cairns

Here’s the breakdown for each of the Atlas Passive Trees you will want to look out for in Glennach Cairns.

Recommended Mechanic: Legion or Incursion

  • Scent of BloodSlaying Enemies close together in Areas has a 3% chance to attract monsters from Beyond – Beyond mobs are still a good source of XP and loot even in POE 3.13. Dangerous for some builds though.
  • Torn Veil –  Powerful Beyond Demons require 1 fewer Portals to summon in Areas. Beyond Portals in Areas have 100% increased Merging Radius – If you’re targeted farming Beyond, it’s OK, but having to grab Scent of Blood makes it a wasteful investment.
  • Monumental –  Areas have 10% additional chance to contain a Legion Encounter – Free Legion encounters is second only to Delirium in terms of reward and risk, a great choice.
  • Face to Face –  Legion Encounters in Areas are 100% more likely to include a General. Legion Encounters with a General in Areas have both Generals. Legion Generals in Areas drop 100% more Timeless Splinters – Another solid Legion-based choice. Powerful for getting good map sustain.
  • Protracted BattleLegion Encounters in Areas have 50% increased Duration. Legion Monsters in Areas take 50% increased Damage while in Stasis – If you’re a weaker build and still want to farm Legion, head for this node.
  • Cultural Advancement  – Incursion Monsters in Areas are at least Magic –  Good for XP, but you’re not guaranteed to get Alva encounters, so it has a very limited utility for target farming Incursion. You can still find utility if farming them anyway.
  • Resource ReallocationKilling non-resident Architects in Areas has 50% chance to add an additional Upgrade Tier to the surviving Architect’s Room – Another targeted node that’s pretty solid if you want to farm those double Corruptions or something. Makes farming Incursion much easier though.
  • Contested DevelopmentKilling resident Architects in Areas adds their Upgrade Tier to the surviving Architect’s Room – A very good node, although you have to really invest in Incursion farming to make the investment worthwhile.
  • Twice Tempted Areas contain an extra Strongbox. Strongboxes in Areas have a 10% chance to be openable a second time – If you have intent to farm Monstrous Treasure, this is great, other nodes are better though.
  • Tamper-ProofStrongboxes in Areas are Corrupted. Strongboxes in Areas are at least Rare – A rather useful general farming mod. If you’re just generally farming this area of the Atlas, not a bad grab.

Passive Guide for New Vestir

Here’s the breakdown for each of the Atlas Passive Trees you will want to look out for in New Vestir.

Recommended Mechanic: Legion

  • Mad Devotion Completing Niko Missions in Areas grants 100% increased Favour. Areas have 10% chance to grant an additional Niko Mission on Completion – Should be your first pick at all times. You can get tons of Sulphite with this node.
  • Sulphite Sentinels –  Sulphite Veins and Chests in Areas are guarded by Sulphite-hoarding Monsters –  The monsters in Sulphie maps with this mod also drop Sulphite, very powerful for Delvers.
  • Out of the BlueSulphite Veins and Chests in Areas have 5% chance to also contain an equal amount of Azurite – Very mediocre mod, as Azurite is very easy to farm. And the quantities given out in these instances are way too low.
  • Abyssal Army Abyss Monsters in Areas grant 50% increased Experience. Abysses in Areas spawn 100% more monsters – The XP from this isn’t worth it. Farm elsewhere for XP.
  • Votive HoardAbyssal Troves in Areas have 10% chance to drop a Rare Item with an Abyssal Socket. +3 to Level of Abyssal Troves in Areas. Abyssal Troves in Areas have 200% increased Item Quantity – A better mod than the previous one, but very much not worth it unless you get very lucky farming Abyss encounters and get a solid drop. And since the points spent getting it are better used elsewhere, avoid this.
  • Total Anarchy –  Areas contain an additional Rogue Exile for every 2 additional content types applied to Areas – Can spawn a bunch of additional mechanics, which makes this a solid general node.
  • Rogue TraderWild Rogue Exiles in Areas have 15% chance to have Rewards – Hard to know what to do here, spend points elsewhere unless you want to test out the rewards for a bit.
  • War Supplies –  Each Legion in Areas contains an additional War Hoard – A must-have if you’re in the Legion farming mood. General farming will likely want to focus on Legion content if you’re in New Vestir for any length of time.
  • Emblematic Timeless Splinters dropped by Legion Monsters in Areas have 1% chance to drop as Timeless Emblems instead – One of the best nodes in the game. There’s no way you won’t want to use this node, and any other Legion nodes in this area, when farming that system.
  • High-Value TargetsLegions in Areas contain 3 additional Sergeants. Legion Sergeants in Areas always have Rewards – There is a ton of currency to be made with this node, not absolutely busted like some other nodes, still strong.

Passive Guide for Valdo’s Rest

Here’s the breakdown for each of the Atlas Passive Trees you will want to look out for in Valdo’s Rest.

Recommended Mechanic: Blight (Farming) or Metamorph (Bossing)

  • OutbreakAreas have 10% additional chance to contain a Blight Encounter – Blight is a highly profitable league mechanic so it should be the thing you focus on in this region.
  • Mass MyceliumBlight Encounters in Areas are more likely to contain multiple Lanes. Lanes of Blight Encounters in Areas have 50% chance for an additional Reward Chest – A very interesting node that makes farming Blight a lot more fun and rewarding.
  • Blight TitansBlight Bosses in Areas drop an additional Anointed Jewellery Item. Blight Encounters in Areas contain up to 2 additional Blight Bosses – An OK node, if you want to hyper-focus on Blight bosses, it’s not too bad.
  • Gut InstinctDefeated Immortal Syndicate Members in Areas grant 3 Intelligence for the current Encounter’s Safehouse if not interrogated – Meh, unless you really want to farm Betrayal for something.
  • Intrinsic DarknessAreas have 10% additional chance to obtain a Metamorph Encounter –  Metamorph is a simple but tougher thing to farm compared to Blight. It’s a personal choice which mechanic you go for. When you do pick, focus on that mechanic when picking nodes. And if doing Metamorph, this is fantastic.
  • Repeated Experiment –  You can assemble an additional Metamorph in Areas after the first is Dead – You can greatly increase the speed of farming with this choice, but it’s not the best thing ever.
  • High Yield Metamorph Bosses which drop an Itemised Sample drop an additional Itemised Sample. Metamorph Vat Meters in Areas require 50% less Power to fill – Go for this instead of Repeated Experiment if you’re farming Metamorph parts.
  • Test of Loyalty –  Immortal Syndicate Members Executed in Areas have a 100% chance to gain an additional Rank – Syndicate farmers will want this, as it’s a great help. Pair with the other Betrayal-affecting nodes for a major buff.
  • Ominous ArrivalAreas contain an extra Harbinger – Harbinger just can’t stand up to Betrayal and Blight for rewards, pick something else.
  • Diplomatic EscortUp to 1 Harbinger in Areas is joined by reinforcements – Unless you really want to farm Harbinger for some reason, and I don’t recommend it, you should move on from this one.

Passive Guide for Lira Arthain

Here’s the breakdown for each of the Atlas Passive Trees you will want to look out for in Lira Arthain.

Recommended Mechanic: Blight (Farming) or Bestiary (Crafting)

  • Spores on the WindMaps found in Areas have 10% additional chance to contain an additional Blight Encounter – Blight Maps can be rather powerful, even if you’re just selling them on to other players. Farming them may not be as fun as Legion, but it’s got good returns. If you’re doing that, this node is a must-have. Any Atlas Passive Trees that miss this are missing out.
  • EpidemiologyBlighted Chests in Areas have 100% more chance to contain Blighted Maps. Blighted Maps found in Areas are anointed – Though some players find Blight to be tedious, it’s actually a very good money-spinner. You can get some really good drops from it if you work at it.
  • Probing for Weakness Areas have +10% chance to contain Breaches – Breach is a fun league mechanic, and it’s still a good means of gaining XP. Not as useful for item crafting or farming these days compared to more focused crafting methods. Still a good choice.
  • Flash BreachBreaches in Areas spawn 10 additional Rare Monsters. Breaches in Areas open and close 100% faster – If you’re looking into farming Breach, this is a good node that makes things much easier to get done well.
  • Animal Companion Einhar Missions in Areas grant 100% increased Favour. Areas have 10% chance to grant an additional Einhar Mission on Completion – If you’re doing Beast-crafting this is a good choice, one of the best in fact.
  • Natural SelectionBeasts in Areas are more likely to be less common varieties – One of the best nodes for Bestiary in any region. Grab this regardless of if you plan to use it or not.
  • Mighty Hunter –  Einhar has 100% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate in Areas. Einhar deals 1000% more Damage to Unique Monsters in Areas. Einhar remains in Areas after his Master Mission is Complete – If you’re farming Bestiary in this region, mobs will be tougher. You will want to have that extra bit of buff from Einhar wiht this node.
  • Immune ResponseBlight Encounters in Areas spawn 100% more non-Unique Monsters. Blight Monsters in Areas spawn 100% faster –  Not a bad ooption, if you want to farm Blight over Bestiary, this is OK.
  • Secret Stash – Areas have 10% additional chance to contain a Smuggler’s Cache – An OK node, but there are better options on this tree. Given that you have to sacrifice good Bestiary nodes to get this, it’s not that great.
  • Inside Job – Blueprints that drop in Areas have 10% chance to be fully Revealed. Smuggler’s Caches in Areas have 100% increased chance to drop Blueprints – Good for target farming Heist and saving Rogue Markers, not much use though since most players will focus on other systems for targeted farming.
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