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How to Complete All POE 3.13 Ritual League Challenges

Path of Exile 3.13 - Echoes of the Atlas announced

The new expansion in Path of Exile has once again brought back the League Challenges for points to be earned for players. Players can gloat about being better at the game by grinding out these various challenges. GGG also routinely gives away cosmetics to users that complete challenges in the league to a certain threshold. These new challenges take many of the league mechanics and older content and throws the Ritual stuff into the mix. So let’s get in it and talk about how to complete Ritual League Challenges.

Other Path of Exile 3.13 Guides:

How to Complete All POE 3.13 Ritual League Challenges

Adequate Preparation

Equip each of the following items:

  • Any Rare Weapon
  • Quicksilver Flask
  • Boots with at least 10% Movement Speed

Compete Ritual Encounters I

Complete each of the following encounters:

  • Complete a Ritual
  • Spend Tribute on a Favour
  • Defer a Favour

Complete these quests

Complete each of the following optional quests:

  • The Great White Beast (Act 2 Old Fields)
  • An Indomitable Spirit (Act 4 The Mines)
  • Bestel’s Epic (Act 6 Tidal Island)
  • The Wings of Vastiri (Act 8 Bath House)
  • Map to Tsoatha (Act 10 Reliquary)

Defeat these Act Bosses I

Defeat each of the following Unique Act Bosses:

  • Act 1: Merveil, the Twisted
  • Act 2: Vaal Oversoul
  • Act 3: Dominus, Ascendant
  • Act 4: Malachai, The Nightmare
  • Act 5: Kitava, the Insatiable

Complete Encounters I

Complete each of the following encounters:

  • Complete a Vaal Side Area
  • Defeat a Possessed Monster
  • Complete a Prophecy
  • Complete encounter at Bestiary Blood Altar

Complete Ritual Encounters II

Complete each of the following encounters:

  • Complete four Ritual Encounters in a single area
  • Reroll Favours
  • Spend at least 2,500 Tributes on a Favour

Complete Ritual Types

Complete Ritual Encounters which have the following damage themes:

Infernal Monsters do increased fire damage and can ignite.
Meteors hit the ground that shoot out smaller fireballs that do damage randomly.
Bitter Monsters deal extra cold damage and can freeze.
Ice beams rotate.
Fluctuant Monsters get increased lightning damage.
Damaging lightning balls cross the screen.
Violent Monsters do increased physical damage and can cause bleeding.
Pain totems pulse damaging waves.
Dreaded Monsters deal extra chaos damage and can wither
Anomalies Fire Chaos Damage

Defeat these Act Bosses II

Defeat each of the following Unique Act Bosses:

  • Act 6: Tsoagoth, The Brine King
  • Act 7: Arakaali, Spinner of Shadows
  • Act 8: Lunaris, Eternal Moon and Solaris, Eternal Sun
  • Act 9: The Depraved Trinity
  • Act 10: Kitava, the Insatiable

Complete Encounters II

Complete each of the following encounters:

  • Complete an Abyss
  • Complete a Breach
  • Defeat a Metamorph
  • Complete a Blight

Complete Vendor Recipes I

Complete vendor recipes by selling the correct items to receive each of the following items:

  • Life Flask – 3x Life Flask -> 1x Life Flask of next base type
  • Orb of Chance – Vendor 2 identified rare items with same name OR a full set rare item with their item level 59 below.
  • Chaos Orb – Vendor a full set rare item with their item level between 60 to 74.
  • Cartographer’s Chisel – Vendor a Stone Hammer/Rock Breaker/Gavel with 20% quality, and a map.
  • Map – 3x Map, all must be of the same type
  • Sextant – 3x Simple Sextant -> Prime Sextant
  • Onyx Amulet – 1 * Amulet and 1 * blue gem, 1 * green gem, 1 * red gem
  • Prismatic Ring – 3x Two-Stone Ring (Fire and Lightning, Fire and Cold, Cold and Lightning)

Acquire Maven’s Beacon

Complete the Maven Questline until you gain her first beacon

Complete Encounters III

Complete each of the following encounters:

  • Defeat Captain Clayborne, the Accursed in Frozen Cabins Map without defeating any Drowned Crew.
  • Defeat Ormud, Fiend of the Flood in Forking River Map without being hit by Water Vortex or Collapsing Orb.
  • Defeat Lycius, Midnight’s Howl in Lair Map while he is channelling Wolf Barrage.
  • Defeat The Gorgon in Sulphur Vents Map while all players are Petrified.

Turn in Divination Cards I

Turn in Divination Cards for the rewards listed below:

  • Unique Item – 3* Echoes of Love or any cheap choice
  • Itemised Prophecy – The Lord of Celebration
  • Vaal Gem – The Bones or Volatile Power
  • Map – Boundless Realms or any cheap choice
  • Scarab – 2 * Cameria’s Cut
  • Six-Linked Item – 5 * Draped in Dreams

Obtain Ritual Rewards

Purchase or Defer 17 of the 20 item types listed below with Tribute:

  • Currency
  • Uniques
  • Gems
  • Maps
  • Abyss
  • Perandus
  • Harbinger
  • Breach
  • Essences
  • Fragments
  • Fossils
  • Prophecies
  • Divination Cards
  • Talismans
  • Legion
  • Blight
  • Metamorph
  • Delirium
  • Heist

Complete Harvest Encounters

Complete each of the following Harvest encounters:

  • Harvest a plot of seeds
  • Store a Harvest Craft in Horticrafting Station
  • Defeat a Harvest Boss
  • Harvest the Heart of the Grove

Obtain Ritual Base Types

Exchange Tributes for the following Ritual Base Types:

  • Penitent Mask Penitent Mask
  • Archdemon Crown Archdemon Crown
  • Blizzard Crown Blizzard Crown
  • Brimstone Treads Brimstone Treads
  • Stormrider Boots Stormrider Boots
  • Dreamquest Slippers Dreamquest Slippers
  • Debilitation Gauntlets Debilitation Gauntlets
  • Sinistral Gloves Sinistral Gloves
  • Nexus Gloves Nexus Gloves

Complete Ritual Encounters

Complete each of the following encounters:

  • Combine Ritual Splinters into a Ritual Vessel: 1x Ritual Vessel = 100x Ritual Splinters
  • Use a Ritual Vessel on a Ritual Altar
  • Use a Ritual Vessel in your map device

Defeat the Conquerors of the Atlas

Defeat each of the following Conquerors of the Atlas:

  • Baran, The Crusader
  • Veritania, The Redeemer
  • Al-Hezmin, The Hunter
  • Drox, The Warlord
  • Sirus, Awakener of Worlds

Complete Encounters IV

Complete six of the following eight encounters:

  • Defeat Warband Leaders x150
  • Defeat Rogue Exiles x200
  • Open Strongboxes x200
  • Interact with Shrines x250
  • Open Perandus Chests x150
  • Defeat Beyond Bosses x150
  • Complete Legion Encounters x75
  • Open Maps with Fortune Favours the Brave x30

Achieve Ascension

Use the Ascendancy Device in each of the following Labyrinths:

  • The Labyrinth
  • The Cruel Labyrinth
  • The Merciless Labyrinth
  • The Eternal Labyrinth

Complete Maven’s Challenge

Complete The Maven’s Challenge while it has a certain number of bosses:

  • Three, Four, Five, Six and Ten
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Complete Heist Encounters

Complete each of the following Heist encounters:

  • Heist Contract
  • Heist Blueprint
  • Unique Contract
  • Defeat The Twins

Reach Level 90

Attain character level 90. This challenge still counts even if your character dies afterwards.

Allocate Atlas Passive Trees

Allocate ten passive skill points in each of the following Atlas Passive Trees:

  • Haewark Hamlet
  • Tirn’s End
  • Lex Proxima
  • Lex Ejoris
  • New Vastir
  • Glennach Cairns
  • Valdo’s Rest
  • Lira Arthain

Complete Maps with 8 Mods

Complete 30 Red Tier Rare Maps while they have 8 mods. Maps having 8 mods is a potential outcome of Vaal Orb corruption. These Maps are completed by killing their Unique Bosses.

Complete Ritual Encounters IV

Complete each of the following encounters:

Suppressive Monsters regenerate life.
Smothering mist reduces health regeneration.
Ensconced Monsters gain extra energy shield based on life.
Altar restores monster energy shield.
Charged Monsters gain endure, frenzy, or power charges on hit
Altar Charges Up and discharges monsters
Fortressed Monsters take reduced damage
Fortress totems further reduce damage monsters take
Emboldening Monsters are Massive Altar causes Monsters to grow even larger
Invigorating Monsters are fast
Gales further accelerate you and monsters
Vaal Items dropped by slain monsters are corrupted.
Atziri’s apparition protects the altar.
Foul Monsters deal extra Chaos Damage and can Poison Toxic vines grasp you while stationary
Opulent Monsters have greatly increased Item Rarity and Quantity Contains cursed coin showers
Apocalyptic Monsters deal extra Fire Damage and can Ignite Meteors fall from the sky
Glacial Monsters deal extra Cold Damage and can Freeze Icy Beams rotate
Volatile Monsters deal extra Lightning Damage and can Shock Skull Spires fire Lightning orbs at each other
Sanguine Monsters deal extra Physical Damage and can inflict Bleeding Pain Totems pulse damaging waves
Malevolent Monsters deal extra Chaos Damage and can Wither Anomalies fire Chaos projectiles

Complete Encounters V

Complete each of the following encounters:

  • Defeat a Delve Boss
  • Defeat the Mastermind
  • Complete Domain of Timeless Conflict
  • Complete the Simulacrum

Complete Unique Maps

Complete 14 of the Unique Maps on the Atlas

Explore the Atlas

Complete the following number of Bonus Objectives and Awakening Bonus Objectives.

  • Bonus Objectives x150
  • Awakening Bonus Objectives x150

Complete Maven’s Quests

Complete each of the following Quests:

  • Maven: Haewark Hamlet
  • Maven: Tirn’s End
  • Maven: Lex Proxima
  • Maven: Lex Ejoris
  • Maven: New Vastir
  • Maven: Glennach Cairns
  • Maven: Valdo’s Rest
  • Maven: Lira Arthain

Complete Ritual Encounters V

Defeat each of the following bosses in a single Ritual:

  • Guardian of the Phoenix (Forge of the Phoenix Map), Mephod, the Earth Scorcher (Summit Map), Kitava, The Destroyer (Lava Lake Map), The Infernal King (Caldera Map)
  • Guardian of the Hydra (Lair of the Hydra Map), Nassar, Lion of the Seas (Reef Map), Ambrius, Legion Slayer (Colosseum Map), Varhesh, Shimmering Aberration (Terrace Map)
  • Guardian of the Minotaur (Maze of the Minotaur Map), Stone of the Currents (Wharf Map), Gisale, Thought Thief (Scriptorium Map), Shock and Horror (Cells Map)
  • Guardian of the Chimera (Pit of the Chimera Map), Penitentiary Incarcerator (Dungeon Map), The Brittle Emperor (Wasteland Map), Stalker of the Endless Dunes (Dig Map)
  • Gorulis, Will-Thief (Infested Valley Map), Armala, the Widow (Sunken City Map), Visceris (Overgrown Ruin Map), Queen of the Great Tangle (Jungle Valley Map)

Complete Encounters VI

Complete each of the following encounters:

  • Complete Blighted Maps x20
  • Reach Delve Depth 200
  • Complete Syndicate Safehouses x15
  • Defeat Metamorphs in Tane’s Laboratory x10

Allocate Uncharted Realm Passives

Allocate ten passive skill points in the Uncharted Realm’s Atlas Passive Tree.

Defeat the Maven

Accept the Maven’s Invitation and defeat The Maven.

Complete Encounters VII

Complete each of the following encounters:

  • Defeat the bosses of Foundry Map within three seconds of one another and without being hit by Corpse Rain.
  • Kill the bosses of Bramble Valley Map without being hit by Melur Thornmaul’s Slam, Orvi Acidbeak’s Shrill Screech and Elida Blisterclaw’s Vine Spikes
  • Kill Burtok, Conjurer of Bones in Necropolis Map while you are affected by Bone Roil and he is Bleeding
  • Kill Doedre the Defiler in Sepulchre Map while you have five stacks of Doedre’s Suffering, Torment and Withering

Socket Craftable Watchstones

Socket 20 of the following 24 craftable watchstones:

  • Chromium Haewark Hamlet Watchstone
  • Chromium Tirn’s End Watchstone
  • Chromium Lex Proxima Watchstone
  • Chromium Lex Ejoris Watchstone
  • Chromium New Vastir Watchstone
  • Chromium Glennach Cairns Watchstone
  • Chromium Valdo’s Rest Watchstone
  • Chromium Lira Arthain Watchstone
  • Platinum Haewark Hamlet Watchstone
  • Platinum Tirn’s End Watchstone
  • Platinum Lex Proxima Watchstone
  • Platinum Lex Ejoris Watchstone
  • Platinum New Vastir Watchstone
  • Platinum Glennach Cairns Watchstone
  • Platinum Valdo’s Rest Watchstone
  • Platinum Lira Arthain Watchstone
  • Titanium Haewark Hamlet Watchstone
  • Titanium Tirn’s End Watchstone
  • Titanium Lex Proxima Watchstone
  • Titanium Lex Ejoris Watchstone
  • Titanium New Vastir Watchstone
  • Titanium Glennach Cairns Watchstone
  • Titanium Valdo’s Rest Watchstone
  • Titanium Lira Arthain Watchstone

Complete Maven With Conditions

Complete each of the following Encounters:

  • Defeat The Maven without allowing more than 16 Volatile Orbs to be active at once
  • Defeat The Maven while there are at least 12 Gravity Wells active
  • Defeat The Maven without failing her Memory Game
  • Defeat The Maven without being hit by her Coil Beams

Complete Deadly Encounters

Complete four of the following six deadly Encounters:

  • Atziri in the Alluring Abyss
  • Abaxoth, The End of All That Is
  • Chayula, Who Dreamt in their Domain
  • The Shaper in The Shaper’s Realm
  • Uber Elder
  • Sirus, Awakener of Worlds at Awakening Level 8

Complete Endgame Grinds

Complete any four of these Encounters the specified number of times:

  • Level 100
  • Kill Izaro in the Eternal Labyrinth x100
  • Complete Grand Heists x25
  • Harvest the Heart of the Grove x15
  • Use Blood-filled Vessels with Maps and successfully complete all Rituals in the area x50
  • Defeat The Maven x40
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