
How to get the 1000 Yard Stare and best God Rolls

Destiny 2 Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack

The newest big thing in PvP Snipers in Destiny 2 is the 1000 Yard Stare. This Legendary packs quite a punch, and is great for engaging other guardians. The game has added a bunch of new weapons in the Bungie 30th Anniversary event. During that time, we’re going to be seeing a lot of people chasing the god roll for these weapons.  Here’s how to get 1YS in Destiny 2.

How to get the 1000 Yard Stare in Destiny 2

This, and several other weapons in the new event are exclusive to the Grasp of Avarice dungeon. 1000 Yard Stare is a great PVP weapon and it’s a great option for long-range battles. Getting it is a pretty big gamble as you need to loot it from a pretty big pool. And in PvE, the game will be much more suited to other weapons.

Note that, at present, you can only loot the Dungeon three times per week—i.e. once per character class—but Bungie is planning to change that in the future to make it farmable.

1000 Yard Stare PvE God Roll

  • Arrowhead Brake
  • Tactical Mag
  • Triple Tap
  • Golden Tricorn

Arrowhead Brake is a great option, mostly to help with accuracy at range. Combining that with Tactical will give you a lot more shots on bosses. Triple Tap is incredibly good for sustaining your overall ammo counts. Just keep shooting. Golden Tricorn can be a great boon for when you try to keep the buffs active in PvE.

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1000 Yard Stare PvP God Roll

  • Arrowhead Brake
  • Steady Rounds or Accurized Rounds
  • Quickdraw
  • Moving Target

Arrowhead Brake is a great option, mostly to help with accuracy at range. The Mag Perk depends a lot on your personal preference. The playstyle you run with will determine what you use. Accurized Rounds is better for players that try to take shots at longer ranges. But if you tend to be a more mid-range player, go for Steady. Quickdraw and Moving Target are all pretty much required in PvP in Destiny 2 with Snipers. 1000 Yard Stare in Destiny 2 needs as much help as it can get in getting shots on target as fast as you can.

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