During a livestream from Tokyo, Bandai Namco announced the upcoming new Digimon game, Digimon Survive.
The game is a unique blend of visual novel storytelling with a mixture of 2D/3D survival RPG elements. Players take on the role of Takuya Momotsuka, a middle school child who gets transported to another world, one filled with digital monsters. Sound familiar to anyone else?
The narrative looks like it’s borrowing pretty heavily from the themes of the original source material, with mentions of maturity, love, loss and survival all playing out in the trailers. It feels as though Digimon Survive will feel very true to the original anime from 1999. We’ve come a long way from the original Tamagotchi that inspired the franchise.
The actual gameplay outside of storytelling is very reminiscent of strategy RPGs like Final Fantasy Tactics, where you move units around a set board and use their special abilities combined with tactical movement to take down enemies. As one would expect from this type of game, your Digimon grow more powerful during these fights, and you can choose their upgrade paths and abilities to customize your team.
Check out both the original Japanese announcement trailer and the newly released international trailer for Digimon Survive down below. Digimon Survive releases in North America and Europe in 2019 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. It releases in Japan in 2019 for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.