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Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire 5 debuts tons of gameplay

Night City Wire Episode 5

Night City Wire 5 is here, so get juiced up Cyberpunk 2077 fans, The new 30-minute reveal video focused on all the things that the developer is up to. The game has been going through the ringer for some time. And with Night City Wire 5 it looks like things are still pretty on track. Despite delays, the game looks pretty good, let’s dive in.

As part of the reveals, CD PROJEKT had tons of stuff to show off.  We finally got to see the first full gameplay trailer for the upcoming RPG. e highlights an assortment of aspects of the open world, action-adventure story players will get to experience. With all the cybernetic nonsense going on in this world, you’re in for quite a few surprises. The goal for CD PROJEKT is to make their games” deeper, more complex, and deeply engaging,” and there’s a lot to be engaged by in Cyberpunk 2077.

Much like the Night City setting of a glamorous oasis in a wasteland, this game offers all the cutting-edge distractions and horrifying reality it can muster to the player. Navigating the sprawling world of crime and violence won’t be easy and you will likely lose a piece of yourself along the way.

If you want to know more about the game, check out some of the recent gameplay footage, like the vehicles that will be in the final version. Players will have to navigate a world filled with all manner of nightmarish technology and corruption, all while the world moves at a lightning pace around you. Players will have to contend with combative locals and the seedy underbelly of a rotting city if they want to survive. And you get all of that while Johnny Silverhand haunts your thoughts.

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Aside from all the gameplay and story elements on show, which are many, there’s much more detail to consume. You will want to watch the full trailer for yourself to see what you can glean, seen below.

As you adventure across the world and take on missions, the story warps around your actions. The choices you make can alter the course of humanity, or what’s left of it. In this world, there’s no room for humanity it seems, not as we know it. A big part of that is tied into the gameplay as well. V can alter any part of their body, so the player can upgrade your character’s circulatory, immune, and nervous system to make them better at their job as a merc. All of this is just one element of the game that’s been shown off, and we’re likely to dive into something much deeper when the game launches.

Cyberpunk 2077 will release December 10th, 2020, for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Stadia. The game will also be playable on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 consoles.

You can check out the full-featured 30-minute Night City Wire showcase down below. The story is going places, and you better be prepared. And if you want to know a bit more about what to expect, check out the leaked achievement list for some minor spoilers.

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