General Gaming News

No Man’s Sky Wipes Discoveries due to Server Issue


Some players of the newly released, and somewhat controversial, No Man’s Sky have reported that their chosen names for newly discovered planets and species have been wiped from the game. No Man’s Sky has been out for a couple weeks now, and players have been busy naming countless plants, animals, and planets that they have discovered.  It was originally thought that these discoveries would be permanent, judging by the shock of some players to these reports.

In a post on the No Man’s Sky subreddit, user Dark_Nexis stated that when they went back to some of the planets they discovered early on in the game, all of their names for locations, creatures, and plants were gone. It seems that the discovery system is back to the same state it was at launch for some players.

As of yet, Hello Games has not publicly commented on the issue.

This latest set of controversy surrounding the immensely hyped title could potentially serve as more fuel for the fire surrounding the backlash over No Man’s Sky and what it promised versus what it actually delivered. It’s obvious to anyone following the issue that the vagueness of much of the marketing and public statements from the game’s developers served to make the issue worse. Players didn’t really know what to expect, and an awful lot of people are feeling disappointed by the game overall.

Interested readers can see pretty extensive list of the claims made by Hello Games about No Man’s Sky and the reality at OneMansLie.

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