Zoids fans, and yes I know there’s some of you out there, I have some good news. Today developer Takara Tomy released another trailer showing off its upcoming fighting game Zoids Wild: King of Blast. The new action game is due out exclusively for the Switch, and will be restricted to Japan. So unless you’re able to import it and really brush up on your Japanese, you may be out of luck for now.
Zoids Wild: King of Blast will release on February 28 in Japan, exclusively for Nintendo Switch. There are currently no plans to localize the Switch game for other regions, so no English release as of yet. Takara Tomy may still be holding back plans though as they wait for sales numbers. If there is enough interest, maybe a localization will happen. At least fans of the really cheesy English anime hold out some hope.
Zoids Wild: King of Blast is essentially the quintessential Zoids game. The game has been getting teased for months now, showing off various giant robots and their pilots. There’s a pretty large roster of pilots and animalistic Zoids to choose from, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Victory in combat within Zoids Wild: King of Blast is all about picking your choices and battles carefully. Each pilot also handles the tactics of combat differently, so having the overall best team you can is a very strategic decision process. This new trailer for the game shows off the lightning-fast FangTiger.
If you’re unfamiliar with Zoids Wild: King of Blast, it’s an upcoming fighting game based on the recent anime and manga series Zoids Wild, serialized on CoroCoro Comic starting on April 2018. The series also got an anime series broadcasted recently in Japan.
Who knows, maybe a localization will happen after all. And as the Switch continues to explode in popularity these next few months, there’s a distinct possibility that we can see real growth of Zoids as a gaming franchise. We’re just a bit away from release as of now, so things could certainly go that way over the next couple of months.
So while we wait for news on that port, we can at least watch the new trailer for the action game.