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World War Z shows off more zombie-killing gameplay

World War Z

Another new trailer for the upcoming co-op zombie shooter, World War Z, has been dropped this week. Focus Home Interactive and Saber Interactive have revealed everything that their newest title has planned. This new trailer is all about showing off everything the game has to offer. So while the horde’s hunger for flesh grows, let’s feed that gamer hype by talking about what meat exists on the bones of this new shooter.

The big offering is of course taking on the AI-driven horde that adapts to your choices. There’s multiple play styles possible as well. You can go in guns blazing or opt for a stealthy approach. And be aware of your surroundings to make use of natural chokepoints to slow down a horde of zombies, as well as finding various improvised weapons and emplacements to wipe out a good chunk of those hordes.

This frantic battle against the undead will take place across four story-based campaign episodes, with each episode taking place in a major city, scattered all across the globe. The mixture of settings allows for both interesting themes and plenty of map layouts that make for some nice replayability. Gamers can also team up with their friends to take on all four of these episodes as a cooperative group.

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There is also a mix of PvP modes available in World War Z. Players will be able to battle both each other and the hordes of the undead in a variety of modes, including modes such as King of the Hill, Domination and Deathmatch, alongside the all-new Scavenge Raid and Vaccine Hunt modes.

This gore-heavy game based on a book is due for PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One on April 16th of this year. You can check out the newest trailer for the game down below. If you want to see more gameplay, there’s some more trailers in store. For one thing, there’s a trailer showing off some of the basic gameplay in action. You could also go take a look at another trailer showcasing the swarming hordes that are central to this biting gameplay experience.

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