
Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris Recipe Guide

Guide to multiplayer in Sword Art Online: Alicization Loris

Want to unlock more recipes in SAO Alicization Lycoris? This Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris How To Unlock More Recipes Guide explains how all of the crafting systems work. For starters, let’s talk about the options. There are four main disciplines with  Smithing, Engraving, Alchemy, and Cooking. Players will find the majority of recipes in the game via Crafting Requests, and can also unlock these recipes for manual use.

Each crafting request is slated to be used within a certain level range, although it’s useful for allowing players to access crafting recipes ahead of their own level.

The basic process starts with finding the crafting terminals and NPCs you need. For starters, find the Apron icons on the mini-map, this will denote the crafting recipes that you can unlock and return to when you need them. There are a variety of different crafting recipes in Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris, so it will take some time to unlock all of them. So here’s how to move forward and unlock more Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris recipes.

Learning recipes is simple but time-consuming and expensive. The example below is just one of the many examples of the crafting recipes you will find. After you find an NPC with a crafting request, you will see a checkbox in the upper right of the window. There will also be a handful of pink boxes beside it. The number of pink boxes indicates how many times you need to fulfill the requirements to unlock the normal recipe for use. Recipes usually need between 2-5 repetitions to unlock in this manner.

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Now you need to craft the item multiple times. There’s a requirement listed on the recipe that will vary by recipe. Once you craft the item multiple times, this checkbox will fill, and fully unlock the recipe. Each recipe is different, so keep that in mind and keep hold of those crafting materials.

This is the process you will need to go through for any recipes you wish to unlock. Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris does make this a bit harder, but the rewards of getting better weapons, improved armor and more is worth it.

So here’s the basic process for using the Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris Recipe system and crafting new items:

  • Find an NPC with a Crafting Request that use the recipe you want.
  • Gather the appropriate materials and currency you need.
  • Craft the recipe according to the listed requirements, this will allow you to unlock the full recipe.
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