
Where to find Terrified Schuster in Genshin Impact

Where to find Terrified Schuster in Genshin Impact

Terrified Schuster in Genshin Impact is an NPC that’s part of a simple side quest. One of the many new quests available after the Genshin Impact Update is “That Which Fell From The Sky.” This is the quest that sends players hunting after the NPC. Players are having to deal with the fallout and chaos from the meteorite impacts all over the map, and various folks appear lost, including ole Schuster here.

You can find Terrified Schuster in Genshin Impact at Stormbearer Point, just south of the named POI. He’s a little hard to spot, as he’s camped out under a tree nearby. Refer to the below image of the exact location of Terrified Schuster. But before you can get him to go with you, you have to go find his buddy Vind.

Where to find Terrified Schuster in Genshin Impact

To find Vind, you need to head north from where Schuster is. Vind will be hiding on the cliffs to the north of the Stormbearer Point. Once you have found Vind and interacted with Terrified Schuster at Stormbearer Point, you can proceed to complete the “That Which Fell From The Sky” world quest in Genshin Impact.

With that out of the way you are free to interact with the rest of the new event, as well as things like the City Reputation system.

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