
How the City Reputation system works in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Elemental Reactions Guide

The 1.1 update, which also adds a key new system to Genshin Impact, includes a bunch of minor changes. This guide will focus on the biggest new addition, the City Reputation system. The City Reputation system is designed to be a new grind added to the game to introduce weekly content and other repeatable tasks. Players will want to grind this out, because it has tons of rewards.

There are the two main regions in the game, but each one has their own major cities. Going into these cities on November 11 you will notice that the City Reputation system is now active. Each City has its own rank, and each one has its own reward tiers. Players who climb through the ranks will be able to redeem various rewards like recipes and special items.The rewards are varied and great for a power boost as well, so it’s pretty good to focus on increasing City Reputation each week.

How to unlock the City Reputation System

This means you need to unlock the City Reputation system. Here’s how to do that:

  • Reach Adventure Rank 25 or above to unlock the City Reputation system.
  • Mondstadt Reputation: Complete the archon quest “The Outlander Who Caught the Wind” Prologue: Act I.
  • Liyue Reputation: Complete the archon quest “Farewell, Archaic Lord” Chapter I: Act II.

How to increase City Reputation

How the City Reputation system works in Genshin Impact

The City Reputation system is split by region and city, so you will need to put in some work Each city within the region of your choosing will have a rep rank. There are four main ways to increase your City Rep. You can complete this in any order or manner you like. Some will be time-limited, so best to focus on those first.

  • Region Quests: Each region will have quests locked to that area, completing them gives a bit of rep.
  • World Exploration: Open chests, find Elemental Oculi, unlock Waypoints, and just play the game. As your Exploration improves by doing these tasks, you gain more rep.
  • Bounties: Bounty quests to hunt down monsters are refreshed each week, with three per city. Hunt these targets down for solid City Reputation gian.
  • Requests: Complete requests from the local residents to increase your Reputation in that city. The list of requests will be refreshed every Monday. Just like Bounties, there will be three per week.

Rewards for City Reputation

There are various rewards for reaching various levels in the system. Players can earn a variety of items simply by playing the game. Most of the rewards seem to center around unlocking new items and having tons of discounts, as well as other boons.

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Players who get City Reputation level 4 in both Mondstadt and Liyue you will also unlock the Merchant Discounts system. After successive level gains, various vendors will offer a deep discount on their goods. So far, we have confirmed that the  Good Hunter and General Goods Store in Mondstadt and the Wanmin Restaurant and Second Life in Liyue will offer these discounts.

Other rewards include recipes and special namecard themes. When you reach Reputation Level 4 in Mondstadt you will get the namecard style “Mondstadt – Hero’s Fame”. Reaching Reputation Level 7 will get you the namecard style “Mondstadt – Blessing”.

Crafting Rewards

One of the cool new features in the rewards tiers for engaging with this new feature is that it will make it easier to gather items. You can speak with Wagner the Blacksmith in Mondstadt, or Master Zhang the Blacksmith in Liyue to begin once you get the ranks listed below. You need to reach Rank 4 to get the Merchant discounts (Wanmin Restaurant and Second Life in Liyue).  Crystal Chunk and Magical Crystal Chunk ore deposits will be marked on your map when you talk to them with the feature active.

You can also unlock other rewards, like the NRE Menu 30 item that allows for much quicker crafting of food items.

You can unlock the Mining Outcrop feature at the following ranks:

  • Reach Reputation Level 2 in Mondstadt to unlock Mondstadt Mining Outcrop Search.
  • Reach Reputation Level 2 in Liyue to unlock Liyue Mining Outcrop Search.

Reputation Recipes

  • Reach Reputation Level 1 in Mondstadt to get the recipe for Northern Apple Stew.
  • Reach Reputation Level 4 in Mondstadt to get the recipe for Adventurer’s Breakfast Sandwich.
  • Reach Reputation Level 7 in Mondstadt to get the recipe for Moon Pie.
  • Reach Reputation Level 8 in Monstadt to get Wings of Azure Wind glider
  • Reach Reputation Level 1 in Liyue to get the recipe for Golden Shrimp Balls.
  • Reach Reputation Level 4 in Liyue to get the recipe for Lotus Flower Crisp.
  • Reach Reputation Level 7 in Liyue to get the recipe for Tianshu Meat.
  • Reach Reputation Level 8 in Liyue Wings of Golden Flight glider
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