
Where to find Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise

Where to find Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise

Just like any other monster material in the franchise, Big Fin is one of many carvable drops. You can use it to create various armor pieces from the monsters of the game. In this case, it’s good for armor sets made from the Sandy Plains. Use this guide to learn the best path to collect Big Fins. Here’s what you need to know.

Where to find Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise

The Big Fin is a carve drop from Delex. You can find these monsters in a few different parts of the game. The easiest spot to find them in is right at the beginning of the adventure. You can often find Delex in areas 9 and 10 of the Sandy Plains region.  You can trigger any hunt or expedition in this region to get these drops, as these monsters often spawn regardless of what hunt you’re on.

When you’re on the mission, head to the northeast and northwest sections of the map to find the monsters. Take them out and carve them for the Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise.

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In these regions, you can find Delex in the Sandy Plains. And while you’re out hunting be sure to look out for rare resource spawns that can contain rare drops. Endemic life and other drops can also reward Kamura Points. You can spend these to send out Palico teams to automate some gathering for you. These Meowcenary teams can run automatic routes that return random resources after a few hunts. Use these to help backstop your low-level farming efforts. You might even get lucky and grab something rare like Sinister Cloth.

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