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“This is Battlefield V” trailer showcases 64-player Firestorm mode

Battlefield V

EA is going in hot with the Battlefield franchise this week. First we got an announcement that Battlefield 1 would be giving away it’s Premium Pass for free. And now, we’ve got a new trailer for the massive battle royale mode in Battlefield V.

The “Firestorm” battle royale mode takes center stage in the latest trailer released by EA and DICE, but that’s not all we get to see. We also get quick looks at things like the campaign mode and several multiplayer options, to the scale of Grand Operations and squad progression. There’s also some minor details about how the game will develop it’s “games as a service” system with the Tides of War updates that are planned.

Firestorm itself is a squad-based competitive match across a sprawling map. With 16 teams of four players duking it out, there’s going to be a lot of chaos. So one would expect a sort of modernized take on the massive battles from earlier games in the series like Battlefield 2: Modern Combat. And maybe this is my nostalgia for that particular game talking, but I’m kind of excited to see how Firestorm delivers on its payload of promises.

Battlefield V is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Origin on November 20. Check out the new trailer for the game down below.

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