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Divinity Original Sin 2 will be getting new content throughout 2019

Divinity Original Sin 2

Divinity Original Sin 2, the amazingly deep and useful RPG suite that came out in 2017 is a great game, and it’s about to get even better. That’s because the developers have announced a plan to release several free updates for the game over the course of 2019. These free updates to the game are being called “Gift Bags” by developer Larian, and each one will contain new content for gamers to enjoy.

The first of these free updates was already released and contains some interesting new bits for players to use. Those bits are mostly cosmetic, encompassing costume options, facial and body customizations, and even some new some spiffy new hairstyles. Players can use all of these items in their next campaigns when unlocked.

Gift Bag #2 will be coming out at a later, unannounced date, and will continue the trend set by the first pack of updates. We don’t know the exact contents of this second update though. Larian has said that they’re working with other studios to help speed up development of the new assets, and that this trend will continue throughout 2019. No details on those updates either unfortunately.

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So if you’re a fan of Divinity Original Sin 2, maybe it’s time to hop back in and make a new character.

Divinity Original Sin 2 is out now for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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