
Just a Nibble Special Research tasks and rewards in Pokémon Go

All September Mega Evolution-themed event dates and times in Pokémon Go

There’s always something to do in Pokémon Go. Players in the hit mobile game can earn special cosmetics, rare encounters, and other useful stuff for completing daily and weekly tasks. The month of June 2021 is no different, as there are plenty of different events going on for the Summer months. There’s plenty of Raids, like the Regirock event this weekend, going on as well. The Just a Nibble Special Research tasks are another of these.

Here are all of the Just a Nibble Special Research tasks that go live in the game this week. Niantic has added them to focus on the Gible Community Day for June 2021. Players who want to get premium rewards can check out the Just a Nibble ticket for the event. The event runs on June 6 from 11 AM to 5 PM in your local time zone.

Task 1

  • Power up a Pokémon 10 times – 15 Poké Balls
  • Catch 15 Gible – Gible encounter
  • Make 5 nice throws – 20 Gible Candy
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Rewards: 2,000 Stardust, 1 Incense, and a Gible encounter

Task 2

  • Catch 15 Gible – 50 Gible Candy
  • Transfer 10 Pokémon – Gabite encounter
  • Evolve 3 Gible – 10 Pinap Berries

Rewards: 1,500 XP, a Gible encounter, and 1 incense

Task 3

  • Make 3 great curveball throws – 50 Gible candy
  • Evolve 1 Gabite – 1 Lucky egg
  • Transfer 10 Pokémon – 10 Great Balls

Rewards: 2,500 XP, a Rocket Radar, and 15 Ultra Balls

Task 4

  • Claim Reward – 2 Silver Pinap berries
  • Claim Reward – A Gible encounter
  • Claim Reward – 3,500 XP

Rewards: 3,000 Stardust, a Garchomp encounter, and 2 Rare Candy

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