
How to upgrade your backpack and storage capacity in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Guides

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is quite the bizarre fusion of TTRPG and the borderlands franchise. A class-based shooter with tons of replayability, there’s even more than meets the eye to this game. This game has it all. Snarky dialogue, and a ton of RPG fun. Players adventure around the various zones, shooting anything that moves. Mostly while Tina yells at you in her characteristic snarky way. As you fight through various bosses, earning mountains of loot, you will increase in power.

And as you level up in the game, you’re going to need better loot. That loot has multiple rarity tiers and a ton of different effects. Players will have to put the time into figuring out what loot they want to keep. Not only are there cool effects for special rare weapons, but the overall trend in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is such that players will end up running with multiple gear sets. Most players will like to also carry a few extra weapons, mostly to handle unique boss encounters. To handle this, you will need more storage capacity in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.

How to upgrade your storage capacity in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

To find it, head to the northeastern part of the city and head just north of those main gates. There will be an armorer in this area who will introduce you to the forge. You can then use it to make armor and storage upgrades.

There are actually multiple types of storage in the game at this point. Much like the previous Borderlands games, there’s a fair bit of inventory management to be seen. Even the amount of ammo your can carry can be increased. Yes, you can get both a backpack, as well as a bank. The bank should be used to hold the extra weapons that you won’t use all that often. Many players will likely have extra Epics and Legendary gear kept here most of the time.

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The forge in Brighthoof, along with the terminal for customizing your character, is very important. To find it, head to the northeastern part of the city and head just north of those main gates. There will be an armorer in this area who will introduce you to the forge. You can then use it to make armor and storage upgrades.

Here you can purchase upgrades for ammo, backpack, bank, and lost loot storage. You have the ability to upgrade the storage multiple times, with more slots being added per upgrades. It seems that each storage type has at least a dozen upgrade tiers you can throw in. You can seriously be a packrat in this game if you wish.

There are plenty of other things to learn about this game. This game uses emotes to both show-off, and to facilitate communication between players. And with the photo mode in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, they have a bit more utility there as well. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC.

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