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When do the Guardians Games end in Destiny 2?

How to complete In a Fog Bounty in Destiny 2’s Guardian Games

Players who are currently hunting down Laurels and Medals during the Guardian Games have only a little more time left with the event. Eva has been offering various bounties as a way of earning points in PvE and PvP to prove who really is the best class in Destiny 2. And if you want to get in those last few points now is the time as the event ends soon.

Bungie has announced that the end date the Guardians Games end in Destiny 2 will come next month. The event, and all the content associated with it, will be disabled on May 11. The event was always meant to be a limited-time option, beginning on April 21, so if you’re interested in taking part you need to do so soon. Head to the Tower to find Eva and grab some more bounties if you do.

The outcome has fluctuated as to what class will and up winning the event. At first it looked as though the Hunter players would propel their class to victory, but now Titan players have pulled ahead and maintained a comfortable lead.

The Guardian Games is not a permanent event either, it ends on May 11. And when it does the game will go back to its normal state. This means you will go back to completing tasks for Warmind Rasputin in this batch of content ends too.

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Some players will be rather happy to see this content go though, as the explanations behind some quests was really confusing and led to a lot of people finding them not very fun to play. Some outlets called Guardian Games a boring bountyfest, which didn’t bode well for its chances of having a lasting impact in Destiny 2.

The Season of the Worthy continues until June 9, giving you plenty of time to wrap up other quests and goals you might have this season. Rasputin still needs plenty of help, so go and claim some bounties to get some cool gear. Keep in mind that like other seasons, once Season of the Worthy wraps, various elements from its story and other content will be removed from the game.

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