Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is quite the bizarre fusion of TTRPG and the borderlands franchise. A class-based shooter with tons of replayability, there’s even more than meets the eye to this game. This game has it all. Snarky dialogue, and a ton of RPG fun. Players adventure around the various zones, shooting anything that moves. Mostly while Tina yells at you in her characteristic snarky way.
Players will take on various foes, earning a literal hoard of weapons in return for their trouble. Additionally, there are multiple weapon varieties you can find throughout the game. The best drop tables are often attached to bosses, often referred to as Badasses. Chaos dungeons are another source of loot in the game. You can get tons of loot by farming these randomized locations at your leisure.
Weapon Rarity in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands
The weapon rarity in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is pretty simple, as it follows the traditional conventions of many other loot systems in MMOs and RPGs. You will find five tiers of loot. Common is all over the map, but will become less useful as you increase in level. Tare drops in Wonderlands all come down to your Loot Luck. You need to have more of that stat to get the rarest items. Without a high Luck stat, you’re stuck at the mercy of the game.
- Common (White)
- Uncommon (Green)
- Rare (Blue)
- Epic (Purple)
- Legendary (Orange)
If you want to increase your chances of finding the best weapons and gear in the game, you want to increase your Loot Luck. That’s the primary stat that affects how rare the items that drop, are. Think of it like Magic Find in any other RPG. The colors listed above will correspond to how hard the item to find is, as well as how strong it can be. Increasing the chances of the best loot drops can take some work, but you really want to put the time in.
You can check your current value by opening up your Hero’s Stats page and looking underneath the Skills tab. It will be listed inside the Aura Menu at the top of the page. This page shows all your different stats, and gives you a glimpse into how hard it will be for you to find Legendary gear. You can increase your Loot Luck by finding Lucky Dice hidden throughout the game.