
How to unlock Nightmare and Inferno Mode in Resident Evil 3 Remake

How to unlock Nightmare and Inferno Mode in Resident Evil 3 Remake

When you first boot up Resident Evil 3 Remake, you will find three different gameplay modes available to choose from. The Assisted mode is basically an easy version of the remade campaign with easier enemies, and a bunch more ammo, it basically turns the game into a shooting gallery. The Standard mode is the baseline experience in Resident Evil 3 Remake, with the intended difficulty curve in place. The Hardcore Mode is the first of the higher options, offering players with experience in the franchise and the original game a decent challenge.

Resident Evil 3 Remake has two other difficulty modes that you can unlock, Nightmare, and Inferno. Nightmare and Inferno Mode are the much tougher versions of the remake, with harder to kill enemies and fewer item drops than Hardcore. To unlock the first of these, Nightmare mode, you need to beat the game on Hardcore difficulty, which means taking on the harder enemies of the Hardcore setting and making it through the story.

And without a New Game+ mode, players will have to settle for replaying the game with these reworked difficulty curves instead.

Inferno makes things even harder, for one thing, Autosave is disabled. And manually saving progress is harder as there are fewer typewriters in the game world. And of course, item spawns are further reduced and said item locations will be changed from the previous run as well, adding to the confusion.

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If you would like help with other areas of this new game, check out some of our other Resident Evil 3 Remake guides:

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