When you need a lot of resources for a build in Minecraft, some methods can be employed to speed things up. By using a Cobblestone Generator in Minecraft, you can avoid all that mining for a bunch of stone. Cobblestone is pretty easy to get in large quantities by mining, but that’s a lot of time invested.
Instead, use this method to make a generator that makes it very easy to mine as much as you need without any exploration.
How to make a Cobblestone Generator in Minecraft
To make a cobblestone generator, you need to use the interaction between water and lava to your advantage. When water comes in contact with a space occupied by flowing lava in Minecraft, it creates a cobblestone block.
The only things you need to have to setup is at least one bucket. A few pieces of iron can get this going. Once you have that, make the bucket and go exploring for lava. Once you have a bucket of lava, it’s time to go and create the generator. The best place to build one of these generators is right be a surface lava pool, but it’s not required. That just makes it easier to transport the lava.
You need to create a fireproof channel that’s 12 block long (two extra blocks for the sources). Digging a 12-block straight line in the dirt is fine. You can also make it out of stone if you want to build it above ground. Just make sure to clear away any trees, wood or other flammable materials in the immediate area.
Water will flow seven blocks from its source, while lava only flows three blocks. This is why you use a 12-block channel to let the liquids flow as long as possible. You need to have the flowing edge touch to spawn the cobblestone. Once you have the channel dug and the lava placed, head to the other end and place the water.